
Kenya: Healthy Outcomes through Prevention Education (HOPE) Final Evaluation

Kenya: Healthy Outcomes through Prevention Education (HOPE) Final Evaluation In Kenya, high poverty, insecurity, poor health outcomes, substance abuse and low levels of education make …

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Promoting Better Sanitation and Waste Management for Healthier Communities in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

A march to promote clean neighborhoods and the start of the awareness campaign against waste. Promoting Better Sanitation and Waste Management for Healthier Communities in …

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Global Communities Liberia Receives Golden Image Award

Global Communities Liberia Receives Golden Image Award This article first appeared on Reuters Alertnet On July 21st, the Global Communities Liberia team was honored by …

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A Community Approach to Better Public Health in Rural Liberia

A Community Approach to Better Public Health in Rural Liberia By Russell Sticklor This artilce originally appeared in USAID’s Global Waters. Residents of Lofa County’s …

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Global Communities in India: Empowering Communities to Sustain Positive Change

Global Communities in India: Empowering Communities to Sustain Positive Change Since 2003, Global Communities has been partnering with India’s local governments, national ministries, corporations and …

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Nairobi Schools Continue to Grow from Green Apple Day of Service

Nairobi Schools Continue to Grow from Green Apple Day of Service By Ann Wahinya Originially published on the US Green Building Council Website Ann Wahinya …

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The Future of Global Health: Lessons Learned From Ebola

The Future of Global Health: Lessons Learned From Ebola InterAction invites you to a high-level conversation and panel discussion with NGO implementers and policy makers, …

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When The Sweet Potato Goes Viral: A New Approach to Nutrition Programming in Northern Ghana

When The Sweet Potato Goes Viral: A New Approach to Nutrition Programming in Northern Ghana This story originally appeared in the USAID IMPACT Blog. Before …

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Liberia’s First District Reaches “Open Defecation Free” Status with Support from Global Communities

Liberia’s First District Reaches “Open Defecation Free” Status with Support from Global Communities By Stephen Farshing, Global Communities VAHUN TOWN, LOFA COUNTY, LIBERIA – Vahun …

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Stopping Ebola in its Tracks: a Community-Led Response

The public view of the Ebola response was dominated by images and stories of medical workers and Ebola treatment units. But there is also the …

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