Humanitarian Assistance

USAID Resiliency in Northern Ghana (RING) Project

USAID Resiliency in Northern Ghana (RING) Project: Investing in local government, supporting sustainable change The Ghanaian government has made impressive strides in government decentralization — …

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USAID-RING Feed the Future Project Thrives in Northern Region

USAID-RING Feed the Future Project Thrives in Northern Region This article first appeared on Citifmonline |  By Abdul Karim Naatogmah Over 2,000 female beneficiaries of the United …

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InterAction Announces $1.2 Billion Refugee And Humanitarian Assistance Pledge

InterAction Announces $1.2 Billion Refugee And Humanitarian Assistance Pledge Group of 31 international NGOs commit over $1 billion in private resources to help address global …

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Allowing Refugees to Better Their Communities Results in Big Benefits

Allowing Refugees to Better Their Communities Results in Big Benefits By David Weiss, President and CEO, Global Communities This article originally appeared in the Huffington Post. …

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Building a Healthy, Prosperous and Bright Future in Rwanda

Building a Healthy, Prosperous and Bright Future in Rwanda Global Communities has been working with USAID and Feed The Future to help 125,000 Rwandans live …

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Hosting the Syrian Crisis: A Jordanian Community Gets a Lifeline

Hosting the Syrian Crisis: A Jordanian Community Gets a Lifeline Global Communities has been partnering with US Government in Jordan to support communities under stress …

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Why the Global Food Security Act Matters

Participants in the Ejo Heza program show off their improved crop yields Why the Global Food Security Act Matters Originally published on Medium By Elizabeth …

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Strengthening Conflict-affected Communities in Colombia

Strengthening Conflict-affected Communities in Colombia Through the ANDA program, Global Communities has been helping conflicted-affected communities in Northern Colombia implement practical solutions to help them achieve …

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Harvest Losses High in Rwanda: How to turn post-harvest loss into income generation and food security

Harvest Losses High in Rwanda: How to turn post-harvest loss into income generation and food security By Emile Nsengumuremyi, Senior Program Officer & Agronomist, EMIRGE …

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World Humanitarian Summit: Turning Agreements into Action

World Humanitarian Summit: Turning Agreements into Action By David Weiss, President and CEO, Global Communities This article originally appeared in the Huffington Post. Last month, the UN …

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American Red Cross and Global Communities Helping to Rebuild Neighborhoods in Haiti

American Red Cross and Global Communities Helping to Rebuild Neighborhoods in Haiti With support from the American Red Cross, Global Communities with its partner Build Change …

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Building More Resilient Communities in South Sudan

Building More Resilient Communities in South Sudan The USAID-funded Promoting Resiliency through Ongoing Participatory Engagement and Learning (PROPEL) program, implemented by Global Communities and Catholic …

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How Jordan Makes Local Governments Work in the Midst of the World’s Largest Refugee Crisis

How Jordan Makes Local Governments Work in the Midst of the World’s Largest Refugee Crisis An influx of Syrians has strained city services but has …

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Global Communities 2015 Annual Report is available!

Global Communities 2015 Annual Report is available! This year’s annual report contains: The Sustainable Development Goals â€“ how Global Communities is partnering to help achieve the SDGs; …

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Syria’s Crisis: Helping Families Survive in War-torn Areas

By Pia Wanek, Director of Humanitarian Assistance, Global Communities This article originally appeared in Devex. In a humanitarian crisis, the image of emergency aid is …

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Humanitarian Responders: Are We Accountable to Beneficiaries?

Humanitarian Responders: Are We Accountable to Beneficiaries? By David Weiss, President and CEO, Global Communities This article originally appeared in the Huffington Post. This month, …

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Cash-based Response Feasibility Assessment in Northern Syria

Cash-based Response Feasibility Assessment in Northern Syria As the conflict in Syria extends beyond the fourth year, there is need for a widespread humanitarian response …

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A Community-based Approach to Increasing the Peace in Nairobi’s Informal Settlements

A Community-based Approach to Increasing the Peace in Nairobi’s Informal Settlements By Selline Korir, Director of the Kenya Tuna Uwezo Program This article originally appeared in …

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