
PROPEL-South Sudan Baseline Assessment Report

PROPEL-South Sudan Baseline Assessment Report Early in 2016, Global Communities and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) conducted a mixed-method baseline assessment for its Promoting Resilience through …

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Honduran Farmers Prize Rainwater as Most Precious Harvest

Honduran Farmers Prize Rainwater as Most Precious Harvest Improving prospects for farmers who struggle to produce food through years of drought may also help stem …

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More Than Something to Drink: Water & Long Lasting Development

More Than Something to Drink: Water & Long Lasting Development By Franky Li, WASH Technical Advisor for Global Communities  |  This article originally appeared on …

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World Water Day 2017

World Water Day 2017 World Water Day, recognized on March 22 every year, is dedicated to taking action to tackle the water crisis. More than 1.8 …

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VIP: Building Community Resiliency Through Cooperatives

Building Community Resiliency Through Cooperatives Visiting International Professionals Elena Gillis, Muhammad Malik, Samad Sadri, and Alison Salisbury Rwanda-USA, January-May 2016 Are cooperatives making a difference …

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Combating Food Insecurity in Kenya

Combating Food Insecurity in Kenya Earlier this month, the Government of Kenya declared a drought emergency, placing the number affected by food insecurity at more …

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Cooperatives: Building Success Together

Cooperatives: Building Success Together With over 60 years of experience in building capacity around the world, Global Communities focuses on the five key dimensions of …

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Agriculture & Food Security Programming

Agriculture & Food Security Programming Global Communities’ agriculture and food security programs aim to improve livelihoods through increasing agricultural production and sales and enhancing food security …

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Light of Hope in the Middle of the Crisis: Solar Power to Light Up Syrian Refugee Camp in Jordan

Light of Hope in the Middle of the Crisis: Solar Power to Light Up Syrian Refugee Camp in Jordan The Azraq camp for Syrian refugees …

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New Boreholes Increase Access to Clean Water in Juba’s Jebel Area

New Boreholes Increase Access to Clean Water in Juba’s Jebel Area This story was originally published by USAID South Sudan. Before the construction of the …

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Supporting Community Based Nutrition Program and Growth Monitoring in Rwanda

Supporting Community Based Nutrition Program and Growth Monitoring in Rwanda Angele Uzamukunda is a nutritionist at the Kabuye health center, where she supervises the Community …

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Ensuring the Electrify Africa Act & the Power Africa Initiative Can Create Sustainable Change

Ensuring the Electrify Africa Act & the Power Africa Initiative can create sustainable change This article first appeared on The Hill Blog |  By Robyn McGuckin, Vice …

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Accessing Higher-Value Local Markets: Lead Firm Collaboration is a Win-Win

Accessing Higher-Value Local Markets: Lead Firm Collaboration is a Win-Win By Tuul Tuvshinbayar, Program Manager, Global Communities’ EMIRGE program This article originally appeared on The SEEP …

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Community Development in Floreciente: Always Start with Petunias

Community Development in Floreciente: Always Start with Petunias Moline, Illinois, USA – The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Mississippi Valley (BGCMV) has been an …

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Sowing Futures Through Volunteerism in Horizontina, Brazil (video)

Sowing Futures Through Volunteerism in Horizontina, Brazil Global Communities is working with communities, youth and local institutions in Horizontina, Brazil through a participatory approach that …

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Improving Livelihoods Through Poultry Farming

Improving Livelihoods Through Poultry Farming For more than two years, 17 farmers and entrepreneurs of Association of Entrepreneur Women (OAMES) in the town of Marañonal …

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Multipurpose Cooperative Entities Challenge Cooperative Sector in Uganda

Multipurpose Cooperative Entities Challenge Cooperative Sector in Uganda By Richard Mujuni, Program Officer, DESIGN team, Uganda This article originally appeared on the Global Cooperative Learning Platform. One …

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Robyn McGuckin to Serve as Collegiate Wind Competition Judge

Robyn McGuckin to Serve as Collegiate Wind Competition Judge Global Communities’ Vice President of International Operations, Robyn McGuckin, has been named a judge for the U.S. …

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