Sustainable Development

Improving the Livelihoods & Living Conditions of Gaza Youth through WASH Projects

Global Communities recently began implementing 10 construction projects that will directly impact the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) needs of 3,497 households in the Gaza …

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How Village Savings & Loans Groups Saved $7,000 in Only Four Months

By David Mbulula Garamba National Park lies in the Haut-Uélé province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), along the border with South Sudan. …

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Improving Access to Safe Drinking Water in Honduras

By José Alberto Vasquez Padilla Despite possessing a large amount of water resources, many communities in Honduras suffer from a shortage of safe drinking water, …

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Up to Youth Program Supports Sweet Entrepreneurship in Kosovo

By Lizzie Hickman Do you remember what it was like to be a teenager, to have the entire world of possibilities open for you to …

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First School Meals Served up in Madagascar

By Chloe Pan On February 6, 2023, Global Communities and its consortium of partners in Madagascar served the first school meals supported by Mianatra (“Learn” …

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Expanding Outreach and Support for the LGBTQI+ Community in Sri Lanka

By Aditi Sharma Transgender people in Sri Lanka frequently face social rejection, lack protection and have little to no representation in political parties due to …

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Hygiene Promotion Team Protects Families from Diseases in Northwest Syria

By Adile Sahin Ali, 37, lives with six family members in Atmeh, which hosts more than 157,400 internally displaced people in northwest Syria. The camp …

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Supporting Mobile Legal Clinics in Sri Lanka to Increase Access to Justice

In Sri Lanka, some segments of the population — particularly those directly affected by the prolonged armed conflict — face challenges due to a lack …

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USAID CLEAR Program in Kenya Launches a Series of Worker Cooperative Videos

Kenya has a vibrant and dynamic cooperative movement. The worker cooperative model, while new to the Kenyan Cooperative sector, is gaining attention and recognition as …

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Simple Innovation Helps Rural Communities in Ghana Improve Latrine Construction & Sanitation

By Megan Bohan The Ghana Enhancing Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (EN-WASH) Activity aims to increase the use of sustainable, equitable, quality and district-wide WASH services …

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Striving to Find and Serve Missing Children in HIV Treatment & Care

By Betty Adera Despite tremendous progress in the fight against HIV and AIDS, outcomes for treatment and care among children remain low. Sadly, disparities in …

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Global Communities Tanzania Partners with USDA to Boost Literacy Rates through School Feeding Program

Earlier this month, Global Communities Tanzania launched Pamoja Tuwalishe (Together, Let’s Feed Them), the next phase of its U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)-funded McGovern-Dole International …

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Right to Care: Family-Centered Approaches for Vulnerable Children and Adolescents

By Betty Adera The impact of disasters, complexities of humanitarian crises and ongoing effects of climate change pose major threats to the lives of children. …

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Mothers in India Lead the Process of Change and Girls’ Empowerment

By Sushmita Mukherjee A healthy and skilled adolescent girl is best placed to make informed decisions not only for herself but also for others who …

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Giving San Diego Infants a Healthy Start through Lactation Education and Access 

By Lizzie Hickman The recent baby formula shortage in the United States (U.S.) has brought attention to infant nutrition needs and costs. The scarcity highlighted a …

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Empowering Women in India through Self-Help Groups

By Sushmita Mukherjee Global Communities believes in the power and potential of women’s collectives to bring about positive change. In India, PCI, a Global Communities …

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Supporting Economic Resilience through Increased Livelihoods in Sri Lanka

By Nagarajah Sathyaruban and Amila Jayamaha In Sri Lanka’s Mullaitivu district, a lack of job opportunities and career guidance avenues has contributed to a high youth …

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Reflecting on the COVID-19 Response Program’s Impact in San Diego

In May 2020, the world could not fathom what the future had in store, nor could Global Communities (then Project Concern International) envision the myriad …

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