Improving WASH in Health Care Facilities

In Ghana, one place apart from home to feel cared for is a Health Care Facility (HCF). Not only are the health personnel professional, but most importantly, the health care institution must have functional Water Access, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) facilities including toilet facilities, handwashing stations and clean drinking water stations. Unfortunately, the Ghana Joint…

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Nurturing Tanzania’s Future through Early Childhood Development

Many parents, guardians and caregivers want to ensure their children have the building block skills needed for success in school and in life. To promote preschool readiness in Tanzania’s Mara Region, PCI, a Global Communities Partner, in collaboration with the Government of Tanzania, designed a new strategic and community-based Early Childhood Development program. Mwalimu wa…

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Preventing Unnecessary Cervical Cancer Deaths in Zambia

Worldwide, women and girls are needlessly suffering from a disease that is preventable and curable. Cervical cancer has historically been overlooked by health systems, but the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated this issue and left more women underserved. Each year, more than 260,000 women, almost 90 percent from low- and middle-income countries, die from cervical cancer…

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USAID Mission Director Sheryl Stumbras at Emerging Farmers Partnership Launch and MOU Signing

This article was originally published by USAID. Harry Ngoma, USAID/Zambia Minister of Agriculture Honorable Michael Katambo, Global Communities COP Nobel Moyo, Corteva Country Director Samson Nyendwa, Afgri Representative Rayno Van Niekerk, Ladies and Gentlemen, All protocols observed. It is a great honor for me to be here with you at the signing of this memorandum…

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Dreaming of and Driving toward an AIDS-free Botswana

Ask any adolescent girl or young woman what she wants to be when she grows up and the list will be as endless and unique as the girl herself. Some will say doctors and nurses or pilots and accountants, while others will want to make their mark as educators, entrepreneurs or celebrities in music, art…

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Joining Forces Against the COVID-19 Pandemic in Tanzania

In a bold effort to fight the COVID-19 pandemic in Tanzania, PCI Tanzania and the Mara regional government have teamed up to jointly implement interventions that will contribute to slowing spread of the disease. More than 55 million cases of the coronavirus have been confirmed worldwide, and the last publicly released data from Tanzania showed…

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The Pioneer E-Executive Public Policy Making Process Training Virtual Graduation Ceremony

At the Strathmore Business School (SBS) in Nairobi, 55 trainees successfully graduated with a certificate in Public Policy Making Process (PPMP). The first of its kind program was designed and delivered by Global Communities’ USAID-funded CLEAR Program in collaboration with Strathmore University Business School. The training, which ended on September 14, was officially opened by…

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COVID-19 Response in Kenya

Articles on our COVID-19 Response in Kenya: Kenyan Cooperatives Demonstrate Resilience & Concern for the Community to Mitigate the Effects of Covid-19 The Kenyan Cooperative Sector Tackles COVID-19 Head-On Shifting Responsibilities of Household & Family: The Gendered Pandemic in Kenya Read more about our global capacity in preventing, mitigating and responding to outbreaks of infectious…

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Kenyan Cooperatives Demonstrate Resilience & Concern for the Community to Mitigate the Effects of Covid-19

Ashley Holst, Global Communities Technical Specialist Cooperatives & Inclusive Businesses Read original blog post on Medium.comAs we celebrate International Day of the Cooperative this year, we recognize that over the last several months cooperatives have demonstrated their resilience and their dedication to bettering the world. The cooperative sector in Kenya jumped into action to help…

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Transforming Fatherhood in Rural Tanzania

New ideas about what it means to be a father and husband are beginning to take root in rural villages of Tanzania. To know this, Beyu Sayi says he has to look no further than the sweet potato plants. Sayi, a nutritionist and District Field Supervisor with the EFFECTS project, tells a story about a…

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New Study Explores Impact of Digital Savings Groups in Tanzania

A new study shows that savings groups that use a digital record keeping app experience greater transparency, fewer group conflicts and an increase in financial capability among individual members. The study also found evidence that highlights the need to include gender considerations in the design of savings group apps. These findings and more are presented…

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The Kenyan Cooperative Sector Tackles COVID-19 Head-On

This article was first published at AgriLinks. Kenya saw its first case of COVID-19 on March 13, and the Ministry of Health fears that if mitigation efforts are not implemented and followed, cases could skyrocket to as many as 10,000 by the end of April. The government has acted quickly to close schools and impose…

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Protecting DREAMS in the Time of COVID-19

At the beginning of April, just a few weeks into the global coronavirus pandemic, DREAMS Botswana had one message for its Facebook followers and the more than 3,000 adolescent girls and young women it serves: “Even through COVID-19, we remain Determined, Resilient, Empowered, Healthy [AIDS-free], Mentored and Safe from HOME.” The line served a dual…

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Shifting Responsibilities of Household & Family: The Gendered Pandemic in Kenya

by Fredrick Nyagah, Technical Specialist, Gender, Global Communities – CLEAR, funded by USAID, Cooperative Development Program – Kenya, Global Communities “Covid-19: The Gendered Pandemic in Kenya” is a blog series that explores the many ways gender social norms effect and are effected by Covid-19. The authors discuss ways that the pandemic may challenge gender norms…

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