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Doses of Hope: Expanding Vaccine Access for Honduran Families
Published 04/24/2024 by Global Communities

Immunizations are a cornerstone of global health, contributing to millions of lives saved. High vaccination rates limit the transmission of preventable diseases, protecting entire communities and mitigating outbreaks should they occur. The COVID-19 pandemic served as a stark reminder that strong immunization programs are essential for global health security.
In July 2023, Global Communities launched the COVID-19 Community Vaccination Brigades Project in Honduras to expand vaccination coverage in the municipalities of Choloma and Villanueva, in the Department of Cortés. The project was funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and The Task Force for Global Health and carried out in collaboration with the Ministry of Health.
A team of 30 vaccinators focused on identifying and vaccinating individuals who had not been vaccinated or those with incomplete vaccination records, particularly prioritizing groups such as children under five, the elderly and those with underlying health conditions. By project’s end, nearly 63,600 doses of vaccines were administered, encompassing both COVID-19 and other essential vaccinations.
Watch the video below to hear more about the COVID-19 Community Vaccination Brigades Project and the vital role it played in ensuring the health of families in Honduras.