Facilitating a More Enabling Environment

This post was written by Karla Yoder, Economic Development Specialist at Global Communities and originally appeared on Feed the Future Agrilinks As market systems development practitioners, we take a holistic approach to project implementation. Our value chain projects address market constraints at many levels including within the enabling environment. However, the focus of our facilitation…

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Global Communities, DLA Piper, Hannover Re and Willis Towers Watson Team Up to Promote Resilience for Vulnerable Communities Exposed to Weather and Climate-related Risks

Global Communities, DLA Piper, Hannover Re and Willis Towers Watson Team Up to Promote Resilience for Vulnerable Communities Exposed to Weather and Climate-related Risks July 11th, 2018, Berlin, Germany — Global Communities, DLA Piper, Hannover Re and Willis Towers Watson announced today that they are partnering to promote resilience for communities that are susceptible to…

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Cooperatives in Post-transition Poland

Cooperatives in Post-transition Poland Cooperative Housing Legacy 1991 to Present Day From 1991- 2000, Global Communities, then known as CHF International, worked in post-transition Poland under funding from USAID, seeking to help cooperatives re-establish themselves as organizations capable of delivering housing and addressing some of the key housing issues in the newly forming market economy.…

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Collaborating, Learning & Adapting Case Analysis: Deep Dive

Collaborating, Learning & Adapting Case Analysis: Deep Dive Global Communities’ Ebola Response in Liberia Read the full report. Read the summary. From 2014–2015, Ebola devastated communities in Liberia, overwhelming their fragile health care systems with at least 10,675 cases and 4,809 disease-related deaths (CDC, 2016). Global Communities, working with hundreds of communities in Lofa, Nimba and…

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How Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting Led to More Effective Prevention During Liberia’s Ebola Outbreak

How Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting Led to More Effective Prevention During Liberia’s Ebola Outbreak By Ilana Shapiro and Kristin Lindell  |  This article originally appeared on USAID Learning Lab “Why do you only come when someone has died? Why do you not come to help when someone is sick?” This question posed by rural Liberians…

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Private Manufacturing Companies Donate Materials for Construction of Model Public Toilet in Rwanda

Cutting the ribbon to inaugurate the public toilet (from left to right) representative of Ruliba Clays Ltd., Petrocom Ltd., Global Communities USAID Twiyubake Director of Program Management, Kayonza District Vice Mayor in charge of Social Affairs, Kabare Sector Civil Registrar. Private Manufacturing Companies Donate Materials for Construction of Model Public Toilet in Rwanda The outreach…

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Global Communities 2017 Annual Report is available!

Global Communities 2017 Annual Report In 1990, more than 37 percent of the global population lived on less than $1.90 a day; in 2015, that number decreased to 9.6 percent. In 1988, there were 350,000 cases of naturally occurring polio reported worldwide; in 2017, this number dropped to 22. Efforts against malaria, such as those…

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Publication: Resilience through Humanitarian Assistance: Agriculture in the Syria Conflict

Publication: Resilience through Humanitarian Assistance: Agriculture in the Syria Conflict Global Communities has been responding to the Syrian conflict since 2013. In that time, we have sought to address food insecurity with solutions that can potentially bridge an emergency response with more long-term, post-conflict recovery. Between 2014 and March 2018 we provided agricultural assistance as…

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Video: John Deere Foundation and Global Communities Partnership

Video: John Deere Foundation and Global Communities Partnership Global Communities has been partnering with the John Deere Foundation since 2012 to implement community development projects in the vicinity of Deere’s operations in India, Brazil and the US. Our programs create long-lasting, community-led change by organizing multiple stakeholders in development decisions affecting their lives and their…

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Rebuilding Lives and Livelihoods in the “Promised Land”

Rebuilding Lives and Livelihoods in the “Promised Land” Savings and lending associations helping residents in Canaan develop their own businesses Maggy Pierre and her daughters are rebuilding their lives in the community of Canaan, Haiti. Eight years after the Haiti earthquake, thousands of people are remaking their lives life in Canaan. The area is an…

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Global Communities and John Deere Foundation Expand Partnership in South America

Sowing Futures in Brazil and Argentina: Global Communities and John Deere Foundation Expand Partnership in South America Silver Spring, MD  (April 13, 2018) – Global Communities today announced that it has partnered with the John Deere Foundation to expand its intervention with vulnerable populations to Argentina and additional areas in Brazil, building on its previous…

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Community-Driven Development Methods for South Sudan: Key Findings and Recommendations

Community-Driven Development Methods for South Sudan: Key Findings and Recommendations The USAID Promoting Resilience through Ongoing Participatory Engagement and Learning (PROPEL) program was designed to foster social cohesion and resilience in targeted communities in Jonglei, Lakes, and Eastern and Central Equatoria states in South Sudan through a Community-Driven Development (CDD) approach. The CDD approach is…

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Breaking the Glass Ceiling in Ghana

Breaking the Glass Ceiling in Ghana How one program is changing incentives to help women enter non-traditional occupations By Karla Yoder, Economic Development and Workforce Technical Specialist for Global Communities  |  This article first appeared in Medium. Ruth Medufia at her training site. Ruth Medufia is a trailblazer. The 24-year-old from Sekondi-Takoradi had always hoped…

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Applying Community-Driven Development to Strengthen Resilience in a Conflict Setting: Lessons from South Sudan

PROPEL-South Sudan End-Line Report The USAID Promoting Resilience through Ongoing Participatory Engagement and Learning (PROPEL) program was designed to foster social cohesion and resilience in targeted communities in Jonglei, Lakes, and Eastern and Central Equatoria states in South Sudan through a Community-Driven Development (CDD) approach. PROPEL provided material improvements in the lives of community members…

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Vitas Group: Financing a Better World

Vitas Group: Financing a Better World For more than 20 years, Global Communities financial inclusion subsidiary, Vitas Group, has been providing access to credit in some of the world’s toughest markets. During that time, Vitas Group has been “financing a better world” with $1.4 billion in loans disbursed and 535,000 clients served helping to create…

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Why We Need to Talk about Men on International Women’s Day

Why We Need to Talk about Men on International Women’s Day By Betty Adera, Chief of Party for Global Communities’ DREAMS Initiative in Kenya  |  This article originally appeared on Medium. #MeToo has brought the subject of sexual harassment and abuse of women and girls to the public consciousness in a way never seen before. Having…

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Global Communities’ Programs in South Sudan

Community-driven Development for More Resilient Communities Funded by USAID, the Promoting Resiliency through Ongoing Participatory Engagement and Learning (PROPEL) program employed a locally-driven, learning-focused approach to work with communities in South Sudan and help them identify, prioritize and implement projects to improve local resiliency. Through the program, Global Communities is used its Participatory Action for Community…

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