Beyond Humanitarian Hand-outs: Sowing the Seeds of Food Security in Syria

Beyond Humanitarian Hand-outs: Sowing the Seeds of Food Security in Syria By Dr Anas Al Kaddour, Food Security and Livelihoods Manager, Global Communities  |  This article originally appeared in Thomson Reuters Foundation News. Is it possible in the Syria conflict to move away from immediate humanitarian assistance and into longer-term food security? Is it possible…

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Global Communities 2016 Annual Report is available!

Global Communities 2016 Annual Report is available! This year’s annual report contains: Global Communities’ unique approach to a region in crisis – read about our resilience and community-based response to the Syrian refugee crisis impacting the whole Middle Eastern region, in Syria and with refugee and host communities in the surrounding countries, as well as the humanitarian…

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Local Government and Infrastructure Program Final Report

Global Communities’ Local Governance and Infrastructure (LGI) program improved the quality of life for Palestinians throughout the West Bank and Gaza. In addition to impactful infrastructure, LGI enhanced local service delivery, promoted good governance, engaged citizens in community decision making, increased local capacity for building and management, created new opportunities for employment and local economic…

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Building on South Sudan’s Remaining Social Capital

Building on South Sudan’s Remaining Social Capital By Joanna Springer, Senior Research and Evaluation Specialist at Global Communities  |  This article originally appeared in Global Observatory. The outlook for peace and security in South Sudan has darkened considerably since fighting between forces of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army and the Sudan People’s Liberation Army-In Opposition resumed…

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Global Communities Wins Community Leadership Award from Greater Quad Cities Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Global Communities Wins Community Leadership Award from Greater Quad Cities Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Global Communities received the Community Leadership award from the Greater Quad Cities Hispanic Chamber of Commerce for our work in the Floreciente community of Moline, Illinois, last week. Annisa Wanat, Flourishing Communities Project Director, thanked the Hispanic community for welcoming us at…

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AIMS Program: Developing the Horticulture Sector in Malawi

AIMS Program: Developing the Horticulture Sector in Malawi By Deborah Kafanikhale The USDA-funded Agribusiness Investment for Market Stimulation (AIMS) program, implemented by Global Communities (GC) since September 2014 in Kenya, Tanzania and Malawi, facilitates agribusinesses to access markets and finance as a way of bolstering domestic, regional and international trade of agricultural products. In Malawi,…

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Global Communities Moline: Floreciente Association Emerges

Global Communities Moline: Floreciente Association Emerges Floreciente is a largely Hispanic, lower-income neighborhood in Moline, IL. The close-knit area has a history of organizing around cultural issues and  standing up to gangs. But as the community has aged, no young leaders have emerged to take their place. Their weakened organization became apparent in 2015, when the…

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Campo Alegre: Towards the Future – The Marching Band

Campo Alegre: Towards the Future The Marching Band Campo Alegre is a community in the Municipality of La Apartada in the Department of Cordoba; however, it is closer to Caucasia, a Municipality of the Department of Antioquia. It is a borderland of culture, and the town has seen difficulties in the appropriation of its territory…

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PROPEL-South Sudan Baseline Assessment Report

PROPEL-South Sudan Baseline Assessment Report Early in 2016, Global Communities and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) conducted a mixed-method baseline assessment for its Promoting Resilience through Ongoing Participatory Engagement and Learning (PROPEL) program funded by USAID. This report provides an analysis of the baseline values of each of PROPEL’s 16 target communities through a mixed-method approach…

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Honduran Farmers Prize Rainwater as Most Precious Harvest

Honduran Farmers Prize Rainwater as Most Precious Harvest Improving prospects for farmers who struggle to produce food through years of drought may also help stem the flow of Honduran migrants By Sophie Hares |  This artilce originally appeared on Thomas Reuters Foundation News. Farm workers cultivate watermelons and bananas, irrigated by a water harvesting project…

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More Than Something to Drink: Water & Long Lasting Development

More Than Something to Drink: Water & Long Lasting Development By Franky Li, WASH Technical Advisor for Global Communities  |  This article originally appeared on Medium. Women in Ghana are often forced to walk long distances to bring back water for their families. Water is a basic necessity for life. World Water Day is today, highlighting this fact,…

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World Water Day 2017

World Water Day 2017 World Water Day, recognized on March 22 every year, is dedicated to taking action to tackle the water crisis. More than 1.8 billion people do not have access to safe drinking water and 2.4 billion people lack access to basic sanitation. The Sustainable Development Goals, launched in 2015, include a target to…

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Stability and Security in the Syrian Crisis

Stability and Security in the Syrian Crisis By David Humphries, Vice President of Communications and Public Affairs for Global Communities  |  This story originally appeared on Medium. This picture shows two countries: Jordan and Syria. On one side there is peace, on the other side, war. The people of the Governorate of Mafraq, Jordan, live alongside the…

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Economic Development Factsheet

Economic Development Factsheet Global Communities’ economic development programs aim to catalyze sustainable and inclusive economic growth by strengthening the capacity and integration of economic actors to effectively pursue market-based opportunities. Our programs increase incomes and support local economies through assisting in the development of micro, small and medium-size enterprises; strengthening household resiliency; fostering private sector-driven…

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