Preventing Gender-Based Violence with Men and Boys-Centered Training

Preventing Gender-Based Violence with Men and Boys-Centered Training By Fredrick Nyagah, Gender Advisor for the DREAMS Program, Global Communities Kenya This story originally appeared on Medium. In observance of International Women’s Day, I have been considering some of the challenges women in Kenya face, as well as proven ways to address them. One successful approach is…

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A Race against Time: Responding to Cholera Outbreaks in Ghana

A Race against Time: Responding to Cholera Outbreaks in Ghana When Cholera strikes, it is devastating. It moves quickly, infecting people who unknowingly pass it on to others. High-density communities around city centers are often the hardest hit by an outbreak, and efforts to contain the disease become a race against time. Since the early…

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Global Communities Factsheet

Global Communities Factsheet Global Communities is a global non-profit organization that works closely with communities worldwide to bring about sustainable changes that improve the lives and livelihoods of the vulnerable. Development is not something we do for people; it is something we do with them. We believe that the people who understand their needs best…

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VIP: Building Community Resiliency Through Cooperatives

Building Community Resiliency Through Cooperatives Visiting International Professionals Elena Gillis, Muhammad Malik, Samad Sadri, and Alison Salisbury Rwanda-USA, January-May 2016 Are cooperatives making a difference in communities in which they are located? To explore related issues Global Communities partnered with a team of four Master Graduates from the George Washington University’s Elliott School of International…

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Combating Food Insecurity in Kenya

Combating Food Insecurity in Kenya Earlier this month, the Government of Kenya declared a drought emergency, placing the number affected by food insecurity at more than 2.7 million. With maize production down by more than 99%, rural farming communities and pastoralists have been severely affected. Global Communities’ Agribusiness Investment for Market Stimulation (AIMS) program is…

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My Home as a Safe Space/Mi Casa Como Espacio Seguro

Booklet: My Home as a Safe Space / Mi Casa Como Espacio Seguro The Knowledge and Risk Reduction Program, funded by USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, helped families to ensure their homes are safe places in the event of a natural disaster, such as floods and mudslides. The program was implemented in Medellin, Colombia.…

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Building an Inclusive Financial Sector in Iraq

Building an Inclusive Financial Sector in Iraq By Iftin Fatah, Investment Officer, Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)  |  This article originally appeared on the Center for Financial Inclusion Blog. Adaweya struggled to support her family after her husband became disabled. With financing for Vitas Iraq, she was able to expand her sewing business, increase her…

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Sowing Development: Farmers provide more than food; they are the cornerstone of rural economies

Sowing Development Farmers provide more than food; they are the cornerstone of rural economies By Liz Adams, Technical Specialist for Agriculture at Global Communities  |  This article orginally appeared in Medium. No matter where you are, the food on your plate comes from a farmer. This isn’t a particularly shocking revelation, and development assistance to farmers…

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Development, not Dependency: Investment as a Path to Self-Sufficiency and Stability in the Middle East

Development, not Dependency: Investment as a Path to Self-Sufficiency and Stability in the Middle East By David A. Weiss, President and CEO, Global Communities | This article originally appeared on The Huffington Post. Maleeka Mohammed, winner of businesswoman of the year from Bank Al Etihad In my previous two blogs, I have focused on the importance of measuring…

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Global Communities in Lebanon: Agriculture – Farming, Aquaculture, and Modern Greenhouses

Global Communities in Lebanon: Agriculture – Farming, Aquaculture, and Modern Greenhouses Clustering for Economic Development and Revitalization of Industry Sectors Through CEDARSplus, which builds on predecessor program CEDARS to expand rural economic opportunities with various entities from the private, government, academic, and non-profit sectors, Global Communities has worked closely with the Moawad Rene Foundation since…

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Global Communities in Lebanon: Agriculture

Global Communities in Lebanon: Agriculture Lebanon Apple Production Agriculture is Lebanon’s third most important sector, employing about 15% of the active population. Global Communities has been instrumental in supporting and expanding agricultural businesses in Lebanon by working closely with the USDA-funded Lebanon Apple Production Improvement Program (LAPI), which introduced a mechanism for quality control and…

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Global Communities in Lebanon: Education and Employment of Women

Global Communities in Lebanon: Education and Employment of Women Women living in many parts of the Middle East experience extremely high unemployment rates; some leave the work force to start families and then struggle to re-enter the job market, while some are completely new to paid employment. Instability in the region has prompted even more…

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Global Communities in Lebanon: Working with Refugees

Global Communities in Lebanon: Our Work with Refugees Global Communities has worked closely with UNHCR to provide for refugees as well as the communities that host them. The Lebanese public health, education and infrastructure systems continue to struggle in providing services to locals and newcomers alike. Hundreds of thousands of individuals go without health care,…

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How to Combat Ebola, HIV, Zika for a Few Dollars: Understanding Unintended Outcomes

How to Combat Ebola, HIV, Zika for a Few Dollars: Understanding Unintended Outcomes By David A. Weiss, President and CEO, Global Communities | This article originally appeared on The Huffington Post. In my last blog, I focused on the importance of measurement and evidence in designing and implementing the most effective global development programs. But one…

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