Amplifying the Voice of Marginalized Communities in Ghana

Amplifying the Voice of Marginalized Communities in Ghana This story originally appeared on Making All Voices Count On September 19, awarded partner Global Communities will launch the radio aspect of their project Our City: Our Say, aimed at increasing women’s participating in local government. This project will enable marginalized citizens to report on service delivery and improve…

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Global Communities Provides Additional Emergency Humanitarian Assistance to Gaza

As the humanitarian situation in Gaza worsens and living conditions rapidly deteriorate, Global Communities continues to provide emergency humanitarian support to internally displaced persons in Gaza. This assistance began in the early days of the recent crisis, and was amplified this week thanks to the contributions of Palestinian private sector companies. The Palestine Development Foundation,…

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Podio and Global Communities Partner in Jordan

Podio and Global Communities Partner in Jordan Global Communities and Podio have partnered in Jordan to provide a smooth platform for employee collaboration and internal communications. Podio are providing Global Communities with use of their corporate intranet system to help their employees in multiple governorates of Jordan communicate effectively and to ensure efficient program delivery.…

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Increasing Women’s Participation in Local Governance (video)

Increasing Women’s Participation in Local Governance (video) Through the Our City, Our Say program, funded by Making All Voices Count, Global Communities Ghana is working with the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly (STMA) to increase women’s participation in local governance issues. At the same time, the program aims to improve public service delivery by inceasing the STMA’s…

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Reacting Is Not Enough – Ebola Crisis Demands International Collaboration in Prevention

Reacting Is Not Enough – Ebola Crisis Demands International Collaboration in Prevention By David Weiss, President and CEO, Global Communities This story originally appeared in the Huffington Post. The Ebola crisis in West Africa is inflicting unprecedented horrors upon those least equipped to combat the virus. Despite headlines of experimental treatments and vaccinations, these efforts…

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WFP Delivers Food to Desperate Families in Gaza (video)

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and its partners launched a special food distribution in Gaza for 730,000 people who are not receiving food under other programs – in an effort to reach all conflict-affect people in Gaza with some form of food assistance. Since 2004, Global Communities has partnered with the World Food…

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Global Communities Responds to the Crisis in Gaza

Silver Spring, MD – The Global Communities team in Gaza continues to provide emergency assistance to those who have been affected by the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza. To date, Global Communities assistance has reached 42,000 displaced people in Gaza. The aid has included, for example, 2,900 ready-to-eat and 1,600 dried food packages, designed to…

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Liberia: Water for Reconciliation

Liberia: Water for Reconciliation This story originally appeared in USAID Global Waters, July 2014.  Residents celebrate the completed construction of a new community latrine. In Liberia, successive civil wars between 1989 and 2003 wreaked havoc on WASH infrastructure. Eleven years after the war ended, the country is still reeling from its impacts. The majority of the population lacks…

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Interview with Beatriz Jauregui, Director of Finance and Administration in Nicaragua

Interview with Beatriz Jauregui, Global Communities’ Director of Finance and Administration in Nicaragua Can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you started working with Global Communities? I’m Bolivian and am a professional economist. I hold an MBA and a Master’s Degree in Business Finance both from the Bolivian Catholic University,“St.Paul,” and from a senior…

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Global Communities and WalMart Foundation Empowering Women Farmers in Rwanda

Global Communities and WalMart Foundation Empowering Women Farmers in Rwanda Growing Opportunities for Africa – and Its People This article originally appeared on WalMart Blog. By Maggie Sans, Vice President, Walmart International Corporate Affairs With a $1 million grant from the WalMart Foundation, Global Communities is reaching an additional 50,000 farmers through its USAID Ejo Heza…

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Africa: Investing in the Next Generation

Africa: Investing in the Next Generation This week marks the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit. The three-day event, the first of its kind, brings together U.S. leaders and African heads of state and government to discuss shared priorities, strengthening partnerships and investment in Africa. The theme of the summit is “Investing in the Next Generation” which recognizes…

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Statement of Support for U.S. Global Food Security Legislation

Statement of Support for U.S. Global Food Security Legislation As organizations engaged in efforts to end global hunger, malnutrition, and extreme poverty, we strongly support bipartisan introduction and passage of legislation to ensure continued U.S. leadership in improving food and nutrition security. As the U.S. – Africa Leaders Summit takes place this week, we recognize…

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Global Communities’ Lana Abu-Hijleh Named a McNulty Prize Laureate and Finalist for Youth Local Councils in Palestine

Global Communities’ Palestine Country Director, Lana Abu-Hijleh, has been announced as a Laureate and finalist of the John P. McNulty Prize 2014 for her work developing the Youth Local Council movement in the West Bank. The 2014 Laureates were announced in Aspen, Colorado, at the Aspen Action Forum on Wednesday, July 30. The McNulty Prize…

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Kenya’s Blood Agency to Manage Blood Banks Electronically

Kenya’s Blood Agency to Manage Blood Banks Electronically This article first appeared in Shanghai Daily and Global Post NAKURU, Kenya, July 30 (Xinhua) — Kenyans will soon be aware of their blood donation suitability through an electronically generated short message, as a blood agency readies itself for a digital mechanism of monitoring its blood banks.…

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Global Communities Mourns the Loss of Staff Member in Gaza

It is with the deepest sadness that we report the death of our friend and colleague Shadi Farwana. Shadi was killed in Khan Younis during an attack on the residential neighborhood where he had taken refuge. Shadi was the Beneficiaries Coordinator for Khan Younis Area under Global Communities’ partnership with the World Food Programme on…

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