Afromusica: A Project to Prevent Recruitment of Youths by Illegal Groups

Afromusica: A Project to Prevent Recruitment of Youths by Illegal Groups Global Communities Colombia USAID-funded Colombia Responde Montes de Maria (CR MdM), implemented by Global Communities, developed a project to prevent illegal groups from recruiting children and youths which promotes values and leadership through art and music. Six young musicians from Libertad, San Onofre; three…

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U.S. Government Supporting the Fight Against Human Trafficking in Honduras

Ambassador Kubiske at the presentation ceremony of donation of 15 million Lempiras (U.S. $ 750,000) to implement a program to combat trafficking in Honduras.  This press release originally appeared on the website of the Embassy of the United States Tegucigalpa, Honduras TEGUCIGALPA, M.D.C. – The Government of the United States of America, through the Office to Monitor…

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Working for Peace in the Slums of Nairobi

Working for Peace in the Slums of Nairobi For 22-year-old  Rose Mbone, fighting against crime in Korogocho has become a mission. In the informal settlement of Korogocho, Nairobi, crime is a way of life for too many young people. Poverty has pushed many youths to join gangs or be used by powerful people to perform acts of…

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A Community that Transforms Fear into Empowerment

A Community that Transforms Fear into Empowerment Global Communities Colombia In 1995 guerrillas began to spread fear in Montes de Maria by threatening Community Action Board (CAB) leaders, as they considered any organized group a military target. On February 17th 2000, approximately 300 paramilitaries arrived to Arena del Sur, a community located in El Carmen…

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Promoting Food Security in Gaza through Urban Gardens

Global Communities is supporting households in Gaza by helping them to plant urban gardens to improve their food security. This initiative is being conducted under the Palestinian Community Assistance Program (PCAP). The overall goal of PCAP is to support economic recovery and development in Gaza through the creation of income generation and business development opportunities.…

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On Demand Water helps Communities Adapt to Climate Change

Written by Brian English, Director of Program Innovation, Global Communities This article originally appeared in the Sustainable Cities Collective.  As our SUV rounded the corner of the rugged road in the parched, mountainous landscape of southern Honduras, we saw an enthusiastic man waving us to proceed towards him. With his machete in one hand and…

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Improving Water Systems for Rural Communities in Nicaragua (slideshow)

Improving Water Systems for Rural Communities in Nicaragua (slideshow) Through the Municipal Development Program, rural communities in Nicaragua have been able to develop new water systems to improve their quality of life. Funded by USAID, the Municipal Development Program works to strengthen municipal governance and citizen involvement by empowering citizens and improving basic service delivery.…

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Colombia Community Radio Program Wins National Award for Agricultural Journalism

Colombia Responde Community Radio Program Wins National Award for Agricultural Journalism   Communication rights and freedom of expression were grossly violated during the most intense periods of the internal Colombian conflict. Due to these violations, communities remained silent and restricted both their self-expression and organization, further increasing their vulnerability. In order to create spaces for…

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Colombia Responde Program Helps to Increase Micro-financing Services

Colombia Responde Program Helps to Increase Microfinance Services   Lack of financial education and limited access to financial services are two of the main constraints that reduce farmers´ income generation capacities in Montes de Maria, Colombia. A 2012 study conducted by the institution Crezcamos determined that only 20 percent of the population in Montes de…

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Sustainable Support for Agricultural Producers in Honduras

Local producers pack a container of products for export to Canada. The products, snacks, jams and jellies, were produced by a women’s microenterprise in Ocotepeque in Western Honduras. This endeavor was supported and facilitated by CENOC. The Business Enterprise Centre  of Ocotepeque (CENOC) in western Honduras was established by CHF as part of the USDA-funded…

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Helping Women Understand their Rights in South Sudan

Helping Women Understand their Rights in South Sudan The Eastern Equatorial State residents have been urged to work together for the elimination of gender-based violence and promote girl-child education as most women in the new nation do not understand their rights. By Peter Lokale Nakimangole Valerie Masumbuko speaking at Torit Freedom Square during the celebrations…

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Lessons from the Front Line of Microfinance

Why It’s Better To Be Needed Than Loved: Lessons From The Front Line Of Microfinance To maximize your company’s impact, seek to be needed and to play where others won’t, instead of vying for admiration. By Kaihan Krippendorff This article originally appeared in Fast Company. Elissa McCarter is the Vice President of Development Finance at Global…

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Growing a Middle East- Middle Class: Where Small Investment Goes a Long Way

Growing a Middle East- Middle Class: Where Small Investment Goes a Long Way By Elissa McCarter, Vice President of Development Finance, CHF International Summary Political instability across the Middle East region has continued to keep investors away. But the unprecedented political and social transformation of the Arab Spring taking place offers tremendous opportunities to address the economic disparity…

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Investing in the Middle East’s Middle Class

Investing in the Middle East’s Middle Class This article originally appeared in the Sovereign Wealth Fund Bulletin, Tufts University Elissa McCarter, Vice President of Development Finance at CHF International, explores the tremendous opportunities presented by the political and social transformation of the Arab Spring to address the economic disparity and lack of opportunity faced by a…

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Souktel and Global Communities Partnering to Help Families in Gaza

Souktel is a Palestinian organization that delivers mobile services to help communities when traditional forms of communication — such as landlines, internet, radio and TV signals — are disrupted. Souktel’s ‘AidLink’ mobile platform has been used in crisis responses from Somalia to Iraq, but when conflict escalated last month in Gaza, Souktel moved quickly to…

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Volunteering is cool! Promoting Youth Volunteerism in Bosnia

Volunteering is cool! Promoting Youth Volunteerism in Bosnia To encourage young people to get involved in community projects, the Center for the Development of Youth Activism launched an initiative called “Volunteering is cool!.” Nearly 150 students from 10 elementary schools across four Sarajevo municipalities participated. As the part of the project, the students participate in…

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Global Communities Recognizes World AIDS Day 2012

World Aids Day, held on December 1st of each year, is an opportunity for the global community to come together and remember the countless lives impacted by this disease, and rededicate ourselves to the fight against it. Though great strides have been made in combating HIV and AIDS, much work remains to be done: both…

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