Ghana – the Gateway to Africa

Ghana – the Gateway to Africa By David Weiss, President and CEO of CHF International This story originally appeared in the Huffington Post. One of the first things you notice when you arrive in Accra’s Kotoka International Airport is a huge red sign that reads: “Welcome to Ghana, the Gateway to Africa.” I quickly discovered…

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CHF International Microfinance Holding is Now The Vitas Group

CHF International Microfinance Holding is Now The Vitas Group Silver Spring, MD –  CHF Development Finance International, LLC, a holding company established by CHF International, is pleased to announce the unveiling of a new brand identity—The Vitas Group—for its global microfinance network.  The new name and visual style will help consolidate the rich experience of…

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CHF Recognizes Earth Day 2012: Mobilize the Earth

On Earth Day, which takes place each year on April 22nd, we recognize the importance of clean air, clean water, and the importance of maintaining the integrity of the natural world around us. CHF is working in many of its programs to promote environmental sustainability and contribute to the body of knowledge in regards to…

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Using Public-Private Partnerships to Promote Community Development in Lebanon

Using Public-Private Partnerships to Promote Community Development in Lebanon Funded by the United States Agency for International Development, CHF Lebanon Municipal Capacity Building and Service Delivery –TAMKIN program (2008-2012) succeeded in inducing the concept of Public-Private Partnership in the municipal community development work. Supported by the CHF/TAMKIN team and the Mohammara Municipal Development Committee [formed…

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Scientific American: How Is Disaster Aid Being Retooled to Meet Catastrophes That Strike Cities?

How Is Disaster Aid Being Retooled to Meet Catastrophes That Strike Cities? Past response strategies have focused on helping those in remote, rural areas. But when an earthquake, flood or other calamity hits an urban center, aid must take a different form By Larry Greenemeier  This article originally appeared in Scientific American NASA scientists may have…

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The 21st Century Urban Disaster: How Do We Respond?

The 21st Century Urban Disaster: How Do We Respond? By David Weiss, President and CEO of CHF International This article originally appeared in the Huffington Post. The 2011 earthquake and subsequent tsunami that struck Japan one year ago was the most expensive natural disaster in world history, totaling nearly $235 billion in recovery costs. It also…

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Ethiopia: Needs Assessment Report

Ethiopia: Needs Assessment Report Somali Region – Gode & Warder Zones I.  Executive Summary Following below average spring rains in 2011, acute drought conditions severely affected over 13 million people in Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Djibouti, creating conditions for famine, mass displacement, and destitution among pastoral and agropastoral groups. Of the total affected population, OCHA…

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South Sudan: Needs Assessment Report

South Sudan: Needs Assessment Report  Morobo/Torit County and Khor Wulliang (Juba County) I. Executive Summary South Sudan became an independent nation and the world’s newest country on July 9th 2011, marking the conclusion of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that had been in place since 2005. Beginning during referendum registration and increasing after independence, about…

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CHF Recognizes World Water Day 2012

World Water Day is held annually on March 22nd to recognize the importance of water in our world and advocate for the sustainable management of water resources. CHF Honduras Water Harvesting Project Wins Global Award  Our Millennium Challenge Corporation-Funded water harvesting project in Honduras won the Actions in Water and Climate Change Adaptation Prize last…

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Governor Richard F. Celeste and Ambassador Vicki J. Huddleston Join CHF Board

Governor Richard F. Celeste and Ambassador Vicki J. Huddleston Join CHF International Board of Trustees Silver Spring, MD, March 20, 2012 Governor Richard F. Celeste and Ambassador Vicki J. Huddleston have joined the Board of Trustees of CHF International (CHF), the Silver Spring, Maryland-based international development and humanitarian assistance organization. “It is a pleasure to…

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Civil Society & Democratic Local Governance

Civil Society & Democratic Local Governance Good governance is built on the premise that institutions are designed to be open and accountable to civil society and effective in terms of financial management and policy implementation. CHF International helps local governments and citizens to recognize that an effective model of governance requires the involvement of many levels of government…

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Urban Crowding and Climate Change: CHF On Why 21st Century Disasters Are Different

Urban Crowding and Climate Change: CHF On Why 21st Century Disasters Are Different This article originally appeared on Two alarming 21st century trends have disaster relief organizations and insurance companies on edge. The world is becoming increasingly urbanized and at the same time, natural disasters are occurring more frequently than ever before. From yesterday’s…

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CHF Honduras Wins Global Prize for Water Harvesting Project

PHOTO: Eva Mejia accepting the prize on behalf of CHF International.   In a special ceremony, on Thursday March 15th CHF International won the Actions in Water and Climate Change Adaptation Prize, for the implementation of the Water Harvesting Project in Honduras. The prize was awarded by the Americas Climate Change Dialogue. CHF was represented…

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Doing Business Right: From Petty Traders to Entrepreneurs in War-Battered Economy

Doing Business Right: From Petty Traders to Entrepreneurs in War-Battered Economy By Wade Williams This article originally appeared on FrongPageAfrica. Clothing designer Geneva Garr supervises several men crouched over sewing machines surrounded by beautifully tailored dresses hanging for customers to see. Starting up with just one sewing machine on her porch, Garr, 37, now makes…

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Mortgage Market Development Program in Palestine

The Mortgage Market Development Program (MMDP) is has the goal of supporting the development of a long-term mortgage market to spur economic development and community stability within the Palestinian territories. The MMDP will accomplish this goal by meeting the following objectives: Piloting mortgage education for the public; Strengthening bank capacity in mortgage underwriting; Strengthening condominium…

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Shelter Projects Report Highlights CHF’s Work in Haiti

Shelter Projects Report Highlights CHF’s Work in Haiti By the end of 2010, over 43 million people worldwide had been forcibly displaced due to conflict and persecution. In addition, during 2010, over 400 natural disasters were reported killing over 300,000 people and affecting more than 300 million people. This made it the second worst year…

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