Food Security & Agricultural Livelihoods

Building Small Agribusinesses in East Africa

Building Small Agribusinesses in East Africa Agribusiness Investment for Market Stimulation (AIMS) is a five-year initiative of Global Communities to bolster trade in key agricultural …

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World Humanitarian Day: Beyond the Headlines

World Humanitarian Day: Beyond the Headlines This article originally appeared on Medium What are the needs in a complex, intractable conflict like Syria? On World …

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Beyond Humanitarian Hand-outs: Sowing the Seeds of Food Security in Syria

Beyond Humanitarian Hand-outs: Sowing the Seeds of Food Security in Syria By Dr Anas Al Kaddour, Food Security and Livelihoods Manager, Global Communities  |  This …

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Global Communities in Lebanon: Agriculture – Farming, Aquaculture, and Modern Greenhouses

Global Communities in Lebanon: Agriculture – Farming, Aquaculture, and Modern Greenhouses Clustering for Economic Development and Revitalization of Industry Sectors Through CEDARSplus, which builds on …

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Global Communities in Lebanon: Agriculture

Global Communities in Lebanon: Agriculture Lebanon Apple Production Agriculture is Lebanon’s third most important sector, employing about 15% of the active population. Global Communities has …

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USAID-RING Feed the Future Project Thrives in Northern Region

USAID-RING Feed the Future Project Thrives in Northern Region This article first appeared on Citifmonline |  By Abdul Karim Naatogmah Over 2,000 female beneficiaries of the United …

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Why the Global Food Security Act Matters

Participants in the Ejo Heza program show off their improved crop yields Why the Global Food Security Act Matters Originally published on Medium By Elizabeth …

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Harvest Losses High in Rwanda: How to turn post-harvest loss into income generation and food security

Harvest Losses High in Rwanda: How to turn post-harvest loss into income generation and food security By Emile Nsengumuremyi, Senior Program Officer & Agronomist, EMIRGE …

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