Food Security & Agriculture

Supporting Community Based Nutrition Program and Growth Monitoring in Rwanda

Supporting Community Based Nutrition Program and Growth Monitoring in Rwanda Angele Uzamukunda is a nutritionist at the Kabuye health center, where she supervises the Community …

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Accessing Higher-Value Local Markets: Lead Firm Collaboration is a Win-Win

Accessing Higher-Value Local Markets: Lead Firm Collaboration is a Win-Win By Tuul Tuvshinbayar, Program Manager, Global Communities’ EMIRGE program This article originally appeared on The SEEP …

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Community Development in Floreciente: Always Start with Petunias

Community Development in Floreciente: Always Start with Petunias Moline, Illinois, USA – The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Mississippi Valley (BGCMV) has been an …

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Sowing Futures Through Volunteerism in Horizontina, Brazil (video)

Sowing Futures Through Volunteerism in Horizontina, Brazil Global Communities is working with communities, youth and local institutions in Horizontina, Brazil through a participatory approach that …

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Improving Livelihoods Through Poultry Farming

Improving Livelihoods Through Poultry Farming For more than two years, 17 farmers and entrepreneurs of Association of Entrepreneur Women (OAMES) in the town of Marañonal …

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Multipurpose Cooperative Entities Challenge Cooperative Sector in Uganda

Multipurpose Cooperative Entities Challenge Cooperative Sector in Uganda By Richard Mujuni, Program Officer, DESIGN team, Uganda This article originally appeared on the Global Cooperative Learning Platform. One …

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Land and Rural Development Policy Reforms in Colombia: The Path to Peace

Land and Rural Development Policy Reforms in Colombia: The Path to Peace Land tenure insecurity inhibits the development of Colombia’s rural areas and agricultural sector, …

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When The Sweet Potato Goes Viral: A New Approach to Nutrition Programming in Northern Ghana

When The Sweet Potato Goes Viral: A New Approach to Nutrition Programming in Northern Ghana This story originally appeared in the USAID IMPACT Blog. Before …

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Agribusiness Investment for Market Stimulation (AIMS)

Agribusiness Investment for Market Stimulation (AIMS) Agribusiness Investment for Market Stimulation (AIMS) is a five-year initiative of Global Communities to expand trade in key agricultural …

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