Sanitation & Hygiene

Global Communities Commissions Two Small Town Water Systems at Kalba and Tinjaase in Commemoration of World Water Day

Global Communities, under the USAID-funded Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) for Health project has commissioned two Small Town Water Systems in Kalba and Tinjase in …

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‘Global Community’ Provides Water for Tinjase Community

This article was originally published by GhanaWeb Global Communities, a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), has handed over a potable water system for the community of Tinjase, …

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Kalba Community Gets Potable Water

This article was originally published on GhanaWeb A water system has been inaugurated at Kalba in the Sawla-Tuna-Kalba District of the Savannah Region to extend …

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A Household Gets A Veronica Bucket After Handwashing Sensitization In School

The WASH for Health (W4H) project has been promoting handwashing as a key hygiene behaviour among Ghanaian households and basic school students since its inception …

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Improving WASH in Health Care Facilities

In Ghana, one place apart from home to feel cared for is a Health Care Facility (HCF). Not only are the health personnel professional, but …

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USAID HEWS Program to Provide Post-Hurricane Shelter and WASH Support in Honduras

To respond to the substantial emergency needs brought on by recent hurricanes in Honduras, Global Communities has launched Honduras Emergency WASH and Shelter (HEWS), a …

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SCORE, Through Partner Shanthiham, Increases Access to Mental Health Services During Covid-19 Lockdown and Beyond

By Kathya de Silva Senarath The Covid-19 pandemic is not only a health issue— it is also an economic issue with businesses declaring bankruptcy and …

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Joining Forces Against the COVID-19 Pandemic in Tanzania

In a bold effort to fight the COVID-19 pandemic in Tanzania, PCI Tanzania and the Mara regional government have teamed up to jointly implement interventions …

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World Toilet Day Highlights Global Sanitation and Health Crisis

By Eddy Perez, Global Communities Technical Director for WASH With billions of people lacking access to the safe, sustainable sanitation essential for public health and …

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Making Schools Safer for Children to Return During COVID-19 in Sri Lanka

By Kathya de Silva Senarath, Reporting Officer, USAID SCORE Program in Sri Lanka As thousands of children returned to school in August following five months of …

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Effective Health Care Delivery Made Easier for Nine Health Care Facilities with Provision of Water

“At about 12 midnight in June 2019, a baby boy was born to a young couple at the Tutukpene Health Center in the Oti Region. …

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Same Heroes, New Culprit: Pivoting from Polio to COVID-19

In India, the same unsung heroes who helped stop the spread of polio are working tirelessly to defeat COVID-19. Drawing on decades of experience in …

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The Kenyan Cooperative Sector Tackles COVID-19 Head-On

This article was first published at AgriLinks. Kenya saw its first case of COVID-19 on March 13, and the Ministry of Health fears that if …

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Ebola Response in Liberia

Global Communities took a comprehensive approach to Ebola programming by coupling infrastructure development, community mobilization and behavior change communications to improve sanitation and hygiene practices. …

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Haiti Cholera Response

The 2010/2011 Cholera Prevention Initiative, under the post-earthquake OFDA-funded KATYE, promoted disease prevention in Port au Prince, Gonaives, Cap Hatien, Carrefour and Leogane. Over a …

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WASH Capacity in Humanitarian Emergencies in Syria

Global Communities has been implementing WASH programming in Syria since 2016, with support from OFDA and UNOCHA. Our work focuses on the provision of basic …

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COVID-19 Response in Rwanda

The Global Communities Rwanda team is working with USAID to provide technical response to this pandemic through messaging and provision of handwashing facilities to communities …

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WASH Capacity in Humanitarian Emergencies in Liberia

Global Communities, as a partner to IRC, implemented the $6.5 million USAID-funded program Partnership for Advancing Community-based Services (PACS) program from 2015-2019 with the goal …

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