Sustainable Development

Facilitating a More Enabling Environment

This post was written by Karla Yoder, Economic Development Specialist at Global Communities and originally appeared on Feed the Future Agrilinks As market systems development …

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Cooperatives in Post-transition Poland

Cooperatives in Post-transition Poland Cooperative Housing Legacy 1991 to Present Day From 1991- 2000, Global Communities, then known as CHF International, worked in post-transition Poland …

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Breaking the Glass Ceiling in Ghana

Breaking the Glass Ceiling in Ghana How one program is changing incentives to help women enter non-traditional occupations By Karla Yoder, Economic Development and Workforce …

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Investing in Energy Access

Investing in Energy Access De-risking Energy Projects through Community Engagement and Financial Inclusion By Robyn McGuckin, Energy Specialist at Global Communities  |  This article originally …

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VIP: Dalia Mehiar, Developing Measures for the Categorization of Household Vulnerability

VIP Dalia Mehiar, Developing Measures for the Categorization of Household Vulnerability Rwanda, Kigali, 28 May – 28 August 2017 In the summer of 2017, Global …

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Global Communities Announces Initiative to Promote Sourcing Communities’ Sustainability and Resilience

Global Communities Announces Initiative to Promote Sourcing Communities’ Sustainability and Resilience Silver Spring (January 24, 2018) –  Global Communities today announced the launch of the …

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Global Communities’ Programs in India

Beginning in 2003, Global Communities partnered with India’s local governments, national ministries, corporations and hundreds of communities across the country to design and implement programs …

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The Business Perspective in BiH Still Exists

The Business Perspective in BiH Still Exists Successes from the LIDER Microfinance Program in Bosnia and Herzegovina In the ocean of negative information, pessimistic persecution …

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What Does Sustainability Look Like 17 Years Later? A Return to Poland.

This article originally appeared in the Huffington Post. At the heart of global development is the question of sustainability. How can we ensure that our …

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Global Communities Partners with Power Africa

Community-engagement NGO focusing on ensuring effective take-up and sustainability of power projects in Africa Silver Spring (November 17, 2017) – Global Communities today announced that it …

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Enterprising Africa: Where Strong Systems Boost Business

Enterprising Africa: Where Strong Systems Boost Business By David A. Weiss, President and CEO of Global Communities  |  This article originally appeared in the Huffington …

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Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA): An Analysis of What CLA Looks Like in Development Programming

Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA): An Analysis of What CLA Looks Like in Development  Programming About the Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting Framework While the practices …

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Economic Development Factsheet

Economic Development Factsheet Global Communities’ economic development programs aim to catalyze sustainable and inclusive economic growth by strengthening the capacity and integration of economic actors …

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VIP: Building Community Resiliency Through Cooperatives

Building Community Resiliency Through Cooperatives Visiting International Professionals Elena Gillis, Muhammad Malik, Samad Sadri, and Alison Salisbury Rwanda-USA, January-May 2016 Are cooperatives making a difference …

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Sowing Development: Farmers provide more than food; they are the cornerstone of rural economies

Sowing Development Farmers provide more than food; they are the cornerstone of rural economies By Liz Adams, Technical Specialist for Agriculture at Global Communities  |  This …

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Global Communities in Lebanon: Agriculture – Farming, Aquaculture, and Modern Greenhouses

Global Communities in Lebanon: Agriculture – Farming, Aquaculture, and Modern Greenhouses Clustering for Economic Development and Revitalization of Industry Sectors Through CEDARSplus, which builds on …

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Global Communities in Lebanon: Agriculture

Global Communities in Lebanon: Agriculture Lebanon Apple Production Agriculture is Lebanon’s third most important sector, employing about 15% of the active population. Global Communities has …

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Yemen Factsheet

Yemen Factsheet Global Communities has been working in Yemen since 2004 implementing humanitarian and development programs across a broad range of sectors and has continued to …

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