Biogas for Better Access to Energy and Livelihood

Biogas for Better Access to Energy and Livelihood Rural villages in northern Syria are facing severe energy crises due to damaged infrastructure, fuel scarcity, and the poor quality and high price of fuels available. All this leads to a lack of power generation, greatly affecting people’s lives. Recent fuel shortages in Idleb have led to…

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Durreyeh Neqdeli — Committed to Serving Her New Community

Durreyeh Neqdeli — Committed to Serving Her New Community Young refugee helps bridge the gap between Syrians and Jordanians through community service Durreyeh (on left) is the first Syrian member of the Community Enhancement Team in her small community in Jordan. Durreyeh Neqdeli is only 25 years old, but she has already experienced a lot. Five…

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Global Communities in Yemen

Global Communities in Yemen Global Communities has been working in Yemen since 2004 helping to empower young people and improve the educational system, as well as build the capacity of media and civil society to address and engage the public around social issues related to the rights of women and children. Read more about our…

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Publication: Resilience through Humanitarian Assistance: Agriculture in the Syria Conflict

Publication: Resilience through Humanitarian Assistance: Agriculture in the Syria Conflict Global Communities has been responding to the Syrian conflict since 2013. In that time, we have sought to address food insecurity with solutions that can potentially bridge an emergency response with more long-term, post-conflict recovery. Between 2014 and March 2018 we provided agricultural assistance as…

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Investing in Energy Access

Investing in Energy Access De-risking Energy Projects through Community Engagement and Financial Inclusion By Robyn McGuckin, Energy Specialist at Global Communities  |  This article originally appeared on Medium. Photo: Mathieu Young/Off Grid Electric Providing first-time electricity to more than 1 billion people around the world is not a task for the fainthearted. In fact, it is…

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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Emergencies

Fact Sheet: WASH in Emergencies Water is essential for a range of day-to-day human needs, including consumption, hygiene and irrigation. In developing countries where clean water may already be scarce, conflicts or natural disasters can devastate water and sanitation infrastructure, and reduce people’s abilities to access this key resource. As a result, contaminated water and…

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World Humanitarian Day: Beyond the Headlines

World Humanitarian Day: Beyond the Headlines This article originally appeared on Medium What are the needs in a complex, intractable conflict like Syria? On World Humanitarian Day, Global Communities reflects on some of the needs that conflict-affected populations have in Syria that are not covered in the news. Beyond the immediate essentials of food, medicine,…

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Serving No’aimeh, My New Home

Serving No’aimeh, My New Home Young Woman Joins the No’aimeh CET as its First Syrian Member to Give Back to Her New Home Durieh receives recognition for her voluntary work. Durieh Neqdeli is only 25 years old, but she has already experienced a lot. Five years ago her parents made the difficult decision to leave…

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Bseira Women’s Gym: Much More Than Just Exercise

Bseira Women’s Gym: Much More Than Just Exercise Women in Bseira Find Health Benefits and Unexpected Social Benefits Through Exercise Bseira CET members in the newly equipped Bseira Female Youth Center. “During all dialogue sessions related to the women’s sector, all I remember is women repeatedly saying, ‘We wish we had a gym,’” said Siham…

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Tafileh Town Unites Against Drugs

Tafileh Town Unites Against Drugs Citizens Commit to Combatting Drugs Together An HTM community member signs a commitment at a public ceremony. Hid, Tein, and Mansoura (HTM), a community of 6,000 in Tafileh, identified drugs and negative youth behaviors associated with a lack of avenues for positive engagement as a key threat facing the community.…

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Working Together to Improve Public Health in Wasateyeh

Working Together to Improve Public Health in Wasateyeh CET and DOH Work Together to Improve Health Services and Reduce Tensions in the Community A Wasatyeh community member receives services in the dental office equipped through USAID CEP. The sudden influx of Syrian refugees put significant pressure on the already strained health services in Wasatyeh. As…

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Global Communities 2016 Annual Report is available!

Global Communities 2016 Annual Report is available! This year’s annual report contains: Global Communities’ unique approach to a region in crisis – read about our resilience and community-based response to the Syrian refugee crisis impacting the whole Middle Eastern region, in Syria and with refugee and host communities in the surrounding countries, as well as the humanitarian…

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Local Government and Infrastructure Program Final Report

Global Communities’ Local Governance and Infrastructure (LGI) program improved the quality of life for Palestinians throughout the West Bank and Gaza. In addition to impactful infrastructure, LGI enhanced local service delivery, promoted good governance, engaged citizens in community decision making, increased local capacity for building and management, created new opportunities for employment and local economic…

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