PCI India and ‘Mobile Vaani’ Answer Call for Action Against COVID-19

November 16, 2020

When much of the world came to a standstill in the wake of COVID-19, one Indian social tech company rose to the challenge. Gram Vaani, which means “voice of the village” in Hindi, adapted its mobile phone-based social media platform—Mobile Vaani—to reach low-literacy, rural and remote audiences across India with important coronavirus prevention messages. Prior…

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Annual Report 2019 – Global Stories – Nicaragua

April 13, 2020

× Careers Home View Positions Recruitment Process Professional Development & Learning Green Initiative Donate × Careers Home View Positions Recruitment Process Professional Development & Learning Green Initiative Donate Nicaragua Bringing School Improvement Action Plans to Life in Nicaragua Story/photos by Maureen Simpson Nearly 30 parents, teachers, school administrators and community members have gathered at the…

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Meeting of the Minds: Sharing knowledge across PCI’s school feeding programs

March 3, 2020

Different languages and long distances often make supporting each other and sharing best practices across programs difficult. To overcome these barriers and help foster intra-organizational learning, PCI recently brought together nearly 30 staff members from four different countries for the 2nd Annual Applied Learning Workshop (ALW) in Tanzania. The primary purpose of the gathering was…

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A Run to Remember in Tanzania

December 18, 2019

PCI joins 2019 Serengeti Safari Marathon to promote school meals program Some people run for medals. Others run for sport. On Nov. 16, staff from PCI Tanzania ran the Serengeti Safari Marathon to raise awareness about taking hunger out of the classroom and feeding children’s dreams instead. A total of 44 staff members participated in…

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Meet Tanzania’s Safe Water Superhero

April 22, 2019

Yvonne Mwakisyala understands firsthand how access to clean water and sanitation is critical to keeping girls healthy, safe and on track with their education. “My mum makes a joke that I hated dirty floors so much as a child that I never crawled and moved straight to walking,” says Yvonne, who serves as a construction…

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New School Libraries Help Unlock Literacy Among Students in Tanzania

April 9, 2019

If books open new doors to learning, then libraries hold the key. Yet, neither were within reach to students attending the schools where Project Concern International (PCI) works in the Mara Region of Tanzania. In fact, prior to PCI’s first program interventions in 2016, none of the 231 primary schools in Bunda, Butiama and Musoma…

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Turning the Tide on Unsanitary School Conditions in Tanzania

March 23, 2019

Children should not have to choose between their health and their education. Yet, one-third of schools worldwide lack access to clean water and basic hygiene facilities, putting students at risk of disease or forcing them to miss class altogether. Like many parts of Tanzania, the Mara Region continues to experience the challenge of inadequate school…

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Never Too Early to Learn: Engaging Parents as Teachers in Tanzania

November 26, 2018

For years, Juma Mazaba Motoka has confidently served as the head of a small sub-village in Tanzania. But only recently did the 40-year-old father come to embrace another leading role. “Earlier I thought the activity of teaching children was only for teachers who are well-trained and psychologically prepared to teach young children at school,” Juma…

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Bringing Literacy to Life for Students and Teachers in Guatemala

November 1, 2018

Primary schools in Guatemala’s Western Highlands are learning the classroom doesn’t always have to be confined to four walls or by-the-book lesson plans. To improve reading and writing skills among students and to help foster a love of learning, Project Concern International (PCI) introduced local teachers to the concept of literacy camps. The outdoor educational…

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Imagine a World With 130 Million More Girls in School

September 18, 2018

Back-to-school photos are likely flooding your social media feed and conjuring up bittersweet memories of awkward adolescence and teenage angst. But for many girls around the world, this universal rite of passage contains an extra layer of strife and uncertainty. Questions of what to wear, what not to say, whom to befriend and how to…

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Annual Report 2017 – More Than Just A Meal

April 6, 2018

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PCI Invests in Local Agricultural Production to Support School Feeding in Tanzania

November 30, 2017

SAN DIEGO—Project Concern International (PCI) launched the expansion of its Tanzania programming this month, thanks to a new two-year award from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). As part of USDA’s Local Regional Procurement initiative, PCI will lead one of three global awards dedicated to supporting school feeding through the procurement and distribution of locally…

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Back to School and Beating Hunger

August 28, 2017

Students can’t succeed on empty stomachs. That’s why Project Concern International (PCI) has partnered with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) since 2001 to provide healthy school meals to children in need. In fact, thanks to PCI’s McGovern-Dole Food for Education (FFE) programs, more than 1 million students have been given an opportunity to grow,…

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A School for Our Children: A Community Unites

June 14, 2017

A blue-and-white wooden schoolhouse sits in the center of Taleno—a fitting spot for a building that has become the heartbeat of this small, rural town on Nicaragua’s Caribbean Coast. On weekdays, 42 students gather inside for classes, while their parents and other local residents use the space as a community center at night. Although it’s…

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Building a Brighter Future with Clean Water

March 22, 2017

It’s easy to go through the day and take clean water for granted. Whether we’re turning on the faucet for a drink, washing our hands, or flushing the toilet, most of us are afforded the luxury of not having to think about the water we use. But, according to the United Nations, “water scarcity affects…

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Learning on a Full Stomach

March 9, 2017

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Soap Stories: Tanzanian Students Take Health to the Next Level

December 19, 2016

When it came to health and hygiene, Buira primary school, a remote school in rural Tanzania, faced two major challenges. First, most of the 800 students didn’t wear shoes walking to school and throughout the day. Mrs. Fundikira, Buira’s Health Teacher, shared, “One of the biggest challenges we encountered during the past three years was…

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San Diego Students Help Promote Literacy in Tanzania

September 12, 2016

La Jolla Country Day students from San Diego, CA, recently traveled to Tanzania with PCI for a cultural and service learning experience. The students helped build a library at Mmazami Primary School to promote readership and literacy among the students and in the surrounding community of Butiama District in Tanzania. The students helped raise $3,000.00…

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