Call to Action on Protection from Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies

On International Women’s Day, Global Communities celebrates the strength of the many women and girls living in humanitarian crises around the world. We believe that gender equality is essential to achieving effective and life-saving humanitarian action. For us, this means engaging women and girls directly as partners, including empowering grassroots women’s organizations, to not dictate…

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Kalba Community Gets Potable Water

This article was originally published on GhanaWeb A water system has been inaugurated at Kalba in the Sawla-Tuna-Kalba District of the Savannah Region to extend potable water to the people of the area and beyond. The gesture is part of an overall community support scheme to amongst others ensure improved hygienic behaviours. The water system…

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US Ambassador to Sri Lanka Visits SCORE Activities in the North

“Proud to increase educational opportunities and support COVID-19 response in Sri Lanka” – Ambassador Teplitz By Kathya de Silva Senarath US Ambassador to Sri Lanka and Maldives Alaina Teplitz, with US Embassy delegates, visited the North of Sri Lanka on February 23 and 24, 2021 to oversee the Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Activity (SCORE) programs,…

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Youth Publisher on Track to Professional Success

A talented youth discovers his true capacity and welcomes new opportunities Abdullah Natour, 25, resides in Ras Alin. He earned Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from the University of Jerash, and though an architect by education, deep down he always wanted to be a visual storyteller, combining his love for design with his passion for telling…

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Female Youth Venture the Entrepreneurship Scene

Three female youth engage with local and regional entrepreneurship scene USAID YouthPower, which aims to advance youth engagement with relevant stakeholders for linkages and sustainability purposes, empowered three female youth awardees with in-kind small grants to participate at the virtual International Entrepreneurship Symposium 2020 in November. The grants enabled them to venture further into the…

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Youth Supports Peers in Coping with Social Dilemmas

A young male adopts his peers’ ideas and pushes them a step further Refat Freihat, 26, is an active youth with eight years of volunteer experience in his community. Residing in the dense community of Kufranja, Refat was one of the many youths whose parents followed social stereotypes and pushed them to join the scientific…

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Empowering Youth to Engage Meaningfully in Their Community

Originally published by USAID Meriton Binakaj is currently enrolled in online courses to finish high school.  “I couldn’t have done it before since I had a long recovery period from my accident,” he says.  Besides his high school classes, Meriton spends his time virtually participating in USAID’s Up to Youth activities.  Since joining the older…

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Kosovo Youth’s Newfound Life Skills Build Resilience in Their Communities

Originally published by USAID It is essential that Kosovo youth have the skills necessary to take part in Kosovo’s democratic and economic future.  Acquiring soft and life skills helps youth become more resilient and makes it easier for them to form multi-cultural relationships and create trust between diverse communities.  USAID’s Up to Youth activity provides…

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Enhanced Well-being for Millions of Families in India

A Story of Transformative Integration at Scale A series of papers recently published in the Journal of Global Health tells the story of Ananya, an initiative launched in 2010 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in partnership with the Government of Bihar (GoB) and several global implementing partners, including Project Concern International (PCI). Ananya’s…

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Emerging Farmers Partnership GDA

This article was originally published by USAID. Zambia’s development holds much promise but faces much peril. Urban economic growth has boomed, however rural areas have stagnated in poverty. Most rural households are engaged in subsistence-level farming on small plots that are not economically viable and often turn to unsustainable livelihoods that degrade natural resources to…

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Rising the Tide with Michele Gay

If you ask LimeLife by Alcone, the perfect foundation to any beauty routine is contributing to a cycle of empowerment. Since 2017, the cosmetic line’s charitable arm, the Brighter Together Foundation, has donated more than half a million dollars to PCI’s Women Empowered Program. Contributions are raised by LimeLife Beauty Guides and go toward funding…

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Shining a Spotlight on Sex Trafficking in San Diego

In recognition of Human Trafficking Awareness Month, PCI, a Global Communities Partner, has teamed up with Eleanor Roosevelt College at the University of California, San Diego (UC San Diego) to shine a spotlight on one of the city’s largest underground economies. Over the weekend, the partners kicked off the first of two Saturday workshops to…

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Improving WASH in Health Care Facilities

In Ghana, one place apart from home to feel cared for is a Health Care Facility (HCF). Not only are the health personnel professional, but most importantly, the health care institution must have functional Water Access, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) facilities including toilet facilities, handwashing stations and clean drinking water stations. Unfortunately, the Ghana Joint…

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Kosovo Youth Transform Their Business with Newly Gained Entrepreneurial Skills

Originally published by USAID Less than two years ago, Fatbardha Muharremi and Herolinda Rexhepi were jobless. Fatbardha had recently graduated from college with a degree in banking and finance. Herolinda, with a passion for clothing, had finished tailoring courses outside of the country. Shortly after Herolinda returned to Kosovo, she reconnected with Fatbardha. The two…

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Waterloo Community Needs Assessment

Global Communities was asked by John Deere to design and conduct a participatory community needs assessment in Waterloo, Iowa in partnership with local community members and local partners. The assessment used an participatory-based approach to develop an in-depth understanding of the assets, opportunities, and gaps existing in the Waterloo community in order to inform and…

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