Rwanda: Over 700 Students Complete Holiday Camp

Rwanda: Over 700 Students Complete Holiday Camp This article originally appeared in The New Times. By Dan Ngabonziza 712 students drawn from various schools in Nyagatare District have completed a four-day youth camp. The annual youth camp was organised by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and CHF, an international development and humanitarian…

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CHF Reaches Milestone in India under Trash to Treasure Program

CHF Reaches Milestone in India under Trash to Treasure Program CHF reached an important milestone under the Trash to Treasure program as 200 ID cards were issued to informal waste collectors in Bangalore by the city’s mayor. This event is the result of efforts by CHF and local partners to encourage the local government to take up…

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CHF Launches SkillConnect Portal with Confederation of Indian Industry

CHF Launches SkillConnect Portal with Confederation of Indian Industry Skill Connect was designed by CHF International-India in partnerships with Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) to gather information on both demand and supply of the informal workforce at a geographic, industry sector and job profile level. This information is intended to serve as a neutral platform for…

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Eighteen Months After the Earthquake: A Return to Haiti

Eighteen Months After the Earthquake: A Return to Haiti By David Weiss, President and CEO, CHF International This article originally appeared in the Huffington Post. August 4, 2011—In April 2010, I visited Haiti and saw the destruction wreaked upon the people of this already desperately poor nation by the earthquake. I was deeply saddened to see…

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US Aid Groups Organize HIV/AIDS Camps in Africa

US Aid Groups Organize HIV/AIDS Camps in Africa By Nico Colombant This story first appeared on Voice of America.  In parts of the world where it is summer time and schools are out, many kids go to camps for different activities and fun. In Africa, there is a growing trend among U.S.-based aid groups to organize…

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Microfinance and the Arab Spring: Threat or Opportunity?

By Elissa McCarter, Vice President of Development Finance, CHF International This article first appeared in Microfinance Focus. After weeks of headline news about the Arab Spring, we seem to have forgotten the man who started it all: Mohamed Bouazizi, the Tunisian fruit vendor who set himself on fire after police confiscated his small cart. It…

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West Bank & Gaza: Investing in Education

In response to the challenges facing the education sector in Palestine, CHF International has been working with communities and local partners to implement numerous projects related to education within the Emergency Jobs Program (EJP), the Local Democratic Reform (LDR) program, and now the Community Infrastructure Development Program (CID). These projects aim to improve various aspects…

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South Sudan: New Country, New Beginnings

South Sudan: New Country, New Beginnings As South Sudan prepares to become the world’s newest nation this Saturday, July 9, most headlines remain focused on the violence that has engulfed the region recently. Meanwhile, distant from the catchy headlines and unaware of the broader issues – such as defining final borders or splitting oil revenues…

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Helping Families with Post-flood Recovery in Pakistan

Helping Families with Post-flood Recovery The 2010 floods in Pakistan affected 18.1 million people throughout the country. Thousands of families have returned to their homes only to find them partially or completely destroyed and unlivable. Global Communities immediately responded to the floods and is now taking a longer-term approach through the USAID-funded Providing Real Opportunities…

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CHF Haiti: Helping Neighborhoods Rebuild – Stronger and Better

CHF Haiti: Helping Neighborhoods Rebuild – Stronger and Better  Impasse 138, located in the Ravine Pintade’s community in Port-au-Prince, was a slope of crumpled houses, with iron bars sticking up from the ground and precarious gravel-sliding walkways going down towards the ravine. Through the KATYE program, funded by USAID/OFDA, CHF and Project Concern International have changed the whole landscape…

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Ghana: Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) Strategy for the Urban Sub-Sector

Ghana: Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) Strategy for the Urban Sub-Sector Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) are among the powerful drivers of human development as it affects quality of life at many levels including improved health and economic status. There is growing awareness among public health practitioners that, until proper hygiene is consistently practiced,…

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Green Building: New Technologies for New Territories

Green Building: New Technologies for New Territories The increased worldwide incidence of floods and other extreme weather in recent years demonstrates that climate change has ceased to be an abstract—we all experience it, in whatever part of the world we live. In 2010 alone, Global Communities responded to floods in Colombia, Montenegro and Pakistan, providing…

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CHF Honduras Wins National Environmental Prize

On June 15, 2011 CHF International was awarded the highest environmental award of Honduras. This award was achieved for the design and implementation of water harvesting projects in the dry tropics of Southern Honduras. The event was chaired by the President Porfirio Lobo at the Honduran Presidential Palace. CHF’s award was presented by Mr. Rigoberto…

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Host Family Assistance: Supporting Earthquake-affected Families in Haiti

Host Family Assistance: Supporting Earthquake-affected Families in Haiti CHF is currently providing assistance to families who fled to Cap Haitien after their homes in Port-au-Prince were destroyed by the January 2010 earthquake. In the wake of the devastating earthquake, thousands of homeless survivors migrated to other parts of the country seeking refuge. A major fear…

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CHF Approaches 500,000 cubic meters of Rubble Removed in Haiti

CHF Approaches 500,000 cubic meters of Rubble Removed in Haiti CHF International, in partnership with the Haitian people and funded by USAID, has removed close to half a million cubic meters of rubble from earthquake-affected areas since we began our operations after the January 12, 2010 earthquake. Estimates of the quantity of debris in Haiti…

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