Reconstruction Project for Disadvantaged Areas of Port-au-Prince

Reconstruction Project for Disadvantaged Areas of Port-au-Prince Global Communities is implementing the PREKAD (Pwoje Rekonstriksyon Katye Defavorize) Project or Reconstruction Project for Disadvantaged Areas of Port-au-Prince. The $15 million dollar project is funded by a $65 million dollar grant from the US Government to the Government of Haiti, channeled through the Haiti Reconstruction Fund. The project is…

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With No Cure in Sight, Living with Ebola Becomes a Community Effort

With No Cure in Sight, Living with Ebola Becomes a Community Effort Mobilizing for education, sanitation, local engagement can help halt spread of disease. By Pia Wanak, Director of Humanitarian Assistance, Global Communities This article originally appeared in the Global Post. The news coming out of West Africa is nothing if not sobering. The number of…

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Rwanda USAID Ejo Heza

Rwanda USAID Ejo Heza The USAID Integrated Improved Livelihoods Program (ILLP), commonly known as “Ejo Heza”, is an integrated development program designed to help meet Feed the Future’s global mandate to sustainably reduce global hunger and the Government of Rwanda’s (GOR) goals to increase agricultural production and improve nutrition. USAID Ejo Heza focuses in four…

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Genocide Survivor Becomes Community Counselor

Genocide Survivor Becomes Community Counselor This story originally appeared on Catherine Mukagasana took her personal tragedy and turned it into something positive by becoming a community-based psychosocial counselor.  Like so many survivors of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, Catherine Mukagasana suffered unspeakable tragedies. But as survivor, Catherine resolved to keep a positive outlook on live and…

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USAID OFDA Awards Global Communities $7.7 Million for Ebola Relief Efforts in Liberia

USAID OFDA Awards Global Communities $7.7 Million for Ebola Relief Efforts in Liberia Additional Funds from International Rescue Committee will Support Outreach Silver Spring, MD (October 1, 2014) – The USAID Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance has awarded $7.7 million to Global Communities to provide community-based Ebola healthcare in Liberia, including community engagement, contact tracing…

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Facing Death, Six Days a Week

Facing Death, Six Days a Week By Morgana Wingard This story originally appeared on USAID’s IMPACT Blog Varbah, a member of the Liberian Red Cross and Global Communities burial team, listens to the mother of Phelica Anthony, 6, explain the events leading up to her daughter’s recent death. Although Phelica was taken to several hospitals, the…

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Countering the 2014 West Africa Ebola Outbreak

Countering the 2014 West Africa Ebola Outbreak Mobilizing Community Response Through Knowledge and Empowerment The current outbreak of the Ebola Virus Disease (Ebola) was first detected in March 2014 and has swiftly become the most deadly Ebola outbreak in history, and the first in West Africa. As of now, the outbreak has been isolated to…

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National Campaign Against Human Trafficking Culminates in International Day

National Campaign Against Human Trafficking Culminates in International Day Against Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking On September 23, 2014, communities across Honduras took part in events for International Day Against Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking. The event marks the end of the “National Campaign Against Trafficking in Persons,” launched by the Commission against the Commercial…

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Participatory Action for Community Enhancement (PACE)

Participatory Action for Community Enhancement (PACE)    Global Communities’ PACE methodology offers a structured process for strengthening the ability of local communities to work together to map their assets and strengths, identify priority needs, mobilize resources to complete community projects and set in motion a community-based development process. By modeling practical mechanisms that promote participation, accountability, transparency, ownership,…

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Burial Rites Hinder Anti-Ebola Effort

Burial Rites Hinder Anti-Ebola Effort By Pablo Gabilondo This story originally appeared in Global Journalist. In the fight against Ebola, the death of a victim is only the beginning. The current outbreak of the disease has killed at least 2,461 people in West Africa—and it is the bodies of the deceased themselves that in many…

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#WithSyria” Movement Video: “In Reverse”

#WithSyria Movement Video:”In Reverse” The #WithSyria is a movement of over 130 organisations and people around the world not taking sides, but standing in solidarity with those caught in the conflict in Syria. “In Syria there are daily attacks, from groups on all sides, hitting schools, hospitals and other residential areas.  In February, the UN…

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Eco-Cities of the Mediterranean Forum

Eco-Cities of the Mediterranean Forum From October 18-20th, 2014, Eco-Cities of the Mediterranean Forum will be held at the Kempinski Hotel Ishtar at the Dead Sea, Jordan. An initiative of the Jordanian Ministry of the Environment, the conference is organized by the Jordan Green Building Council in partnership with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Greater…

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Liberia: Ebola Response “ALERT” Project Gains Momentum

Liberia: Ebola Response “ALERT” Project Gains Momentum This story originally appeared on A burial team from Bong County supported by ALERT. The “Assisting Liberians with Education to Reduce Transmission (ALERT)” project, funded by the US Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), is bring about positive change in Ebola affected areas. The ALERT project which…

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Brazil: Sowing Futures Factsheet

Brazil: Sowing Futures Factsheet Global Communities, in partnership with the John Deere Foundation and the John Deere Brazil Foundation, are implementing the three-year Sowing Futures program to build the capacity of communities and local institutions to prioritize needs and mobilize resources that improve socio-economic conditions with a special focus on at-risk youth. The program works with at-risk youth ranging from…

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How Saving Groups are Transforming Rural Communities in Rwanda

How Saving Groups are Transforming Rural Communities in Rwanda This story originally appeared in The New Times Rwanda. For decades, Joseph Ndemeye struggled to improve the welfare of his family. The 50-year-old resident of the rural Kibilizi Sector, Nyanza District, depended on produce from his small farm to feed his family, but most of the time…

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Community-Based Partnerships Achieve Big Results for Business

Community-Based Partnerships Achieve Big Results for Business By Amy Levey, Senior Communications Officer This story originally appeared on U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation.  The organization I work for, Global Communities, is an NGO which focuses on the community-based approach as a proven way to achieve sustainability in improving the lives and livelihoods of the vulnerable…

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Mobilizing in the Heart of the Ebola Outbreak

Mobilizing in the Heart of the Ebola Outbreak The current outbreak of the Ebola Virus Disease (Ebola) was first detected in March 2014 and has swiftly become the most deadly Ebola outbreak in history, and the first in West Africa. The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that the number of people affected by the current…

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Haiti: LAMIKA Program

Haiti: LAMIKA Program The Lavi Nan Miyò Katye Pam (LAMIKA) program is an urban integrated neighborhood reconstruction and recovery program being implemented in Carrefour-Feuilles, a poor residential neighborhood in Port-au-Prince. The area sustained extensive damage from the earthquake and is characterized by extreme poverty, dense housing and limited access to safe infrastructure and services. Meaning “a better life in my neighborhood”…

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