USAID SCORE in Sri Lanka Promotes Beekeeping as an Innovative Way to Mitigate Human-elephant Conflict and Improve Local Livelihoods

Following the community resettlement in 2010, frequent incidents of elephants raiding crops in the Paddikudiyeruppu GN division in Vavuniya North in Sri Lanka have resulted in a number of human casualties as well as severe economic consequences due to crop losses. To mitigate the consequences arising from the human-elephant conflict, the Paddikudiyeruppu community suggested engaging…

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Crossing the Ethnic Divide

SCORE supports access road renovation to improve inter-ethnic relations Nimal Rajapaksa, a Sinhalese mason from the Agbopura new settlement area, travels on his motorcycle to a construction site in the Tamil-majority Vavuniya town using the newly renovated access road in Agbopura in Vavuniya South in the war-torn North of Sri Lanka. Previously, he had to…

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USAID SCORE Promotes Reconciliation and Social Cohesion Through Youth Sports Festival

Using sports as a vehicle for reconciliation and increased social cohesion, USAID SCORE together with the National Youth Services Council organized a sports festival recently in Maduruketiya, at the school grounds in the Monaragala district. SCORE is a three-year social cohesion and reconciliation activity implemented Global Communities to strengthen Sri Lankan led efforts to advance…

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USAID SCORE Supports Street Drama Promoting Reconciliation And Social Cohesion Among Multi-Ethnic Students

USAID SCORE recently supported the Ministry of National Integration, Official Languages, Social Progress and Hindu Religious Affairs (MONIOLSP) in a series of street drama productions promoting social cohesion and reconciliation among school students and teachers in the Monaragala District. Exploring themes of religious freedom and mutual respect among communities, the performances, which took place earlier…

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Cooperatives Going Further Together in Mongolia

Since 2002, Global Communities has been working in the peri-urban communities or “ger” areas surrounding Mongolia’s largest cities. Ger areas are usually made up of thousands of small, fenced-in plots of land that remain isolated from the area’s main commercial activity and public services. These rural smallholders often struggle to produce high agricultural yields as…

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Cooperatives in Post-transition Poland

Cooperatives in Post-transition Poland Cooperative Housing Legacy 1991 to Present Day From 1991- 2000, Global Communities, then known as CHF International, worked in post-transition Poland under funding from USAID, seeking to help cooperatives re-establish themselves as organizations capable of delivering housing and addressing some of the key housing issues in the newly forming market economy.…

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Video: John Deere Foundation and Global Communities Partnership

Video: John Deere Foundation and Global Communities Partnership Global Communities has been partnering with the John Deere Foundation since 2012 to implement community development projects in the vicinity of Deere’s operations in India, Brazil and the US. Our programs create long-lasting, community-led change by organizing multiple stakeholders in development decisions affecting their lives and their…

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Investing in Energy Access

Investing in Energy Access De-risking Energy Projects through Community Engagement and Financial Inclusion By Robyn McGuckin, Energy Specialist at Global Communities  |  This article originally appeared on Medium. Photo: Mathieu Young/Off Grid Electric Providing first-time electricity to more than 1 billion people around the world is not a task for the fainthearted. In fact, it is…

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Global Communities’ Programs in India

Beginning in 2003, Global Communities partnered with India’s local governments, national ministries, corporations and hundreds of communities across the country to design and implement programs to reduce poverty and empower communities to sustain positive change. Global Communities’ programs help stakeholders create more-inclusive growth by not only improving infrastructure and access to basic services, but also…

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The Business Perspective in BiH Still Exists

The Business Perspective in BiH Still Exists Successes from the LIDER Microfinance Program in Bosnia and Herzegovina In the ocean of negative information, pessimistic persecution and bad statistics in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the positive stories of quite ordinary people, true local community fighters, send a message that there is still hope for the success of…

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The Vital Role of Business in Global Development

The Vital Role of Business in Global Development Removing all barriers to mutually beneficial partnerships is smart business and good for our communities. By David A. Weiss, President & CEO for Global Communities  |  This article originally appeared on UPS Latitudes. “Many forward-looking companies have integrated CSR into corporate strategy and business operations.” The challenges…

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Bamboo Capital Partners Exits its Investment from Vitas

Bamboo Capital Partners Exits its Investment from Vitas After six years of investment, Bamboo Capital Partners (“Bamboo”), a leading impact investing private equity firm delivering social and financial value, has profitably exited from its investment in Vitas Group. The transaction was achieved through a repurchase of shares by Vitas financed through existing internal funds. Bamboo…

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Global Communities 2016 Annual Report is available!

Global Communities 2016 Annual Report is available! This year’s annual report contains: Global Communities’ unique approach to a region in crisis – read about our resilience and community-based response to the Syrian refugee crisis impacting the whole Middle Eastern region, in Syria and with refugee and host communities in the surrounding countries, as well as the humanitarian…

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