Global Communities 2016 Annual Report is available!
Global Communities 2016 Annual Report is available! This year’s annual report contains: Global Communities’ unique approach to a region in crisis – read about our resilience and community-based response to the Syrian refugee crisis impacting the whole Middle Eastern region, in Syria and with refugee and host communities in the surrounding countries, as well as the humanitarian…
Read MoreGlobal Communities Moline: Floreciente Association Emerges
Global Communities Moline: Floreciente Association Emerges Floreciente is a largely Hispanic, lower-income neighborhood in Moline, IL. The close-knit area has a history of organizing around cultural issues and standing up to gangs. But as the community has aged, no young leaders have emerged to take their place. Their weakened organization became apparent in 2015, when the…
Read MoreCampo Alegre: Towards the Future – The Marching Band
Campo Alegre: Towards the Future The Marching Band Campo Alegre is a community in the Municipality of La Apartada in the Department of Cordoba; however, it is closer to Caucasia, a Municipality of the Department of Antioquia. It is a borderland of culture, and the town has seen difficulties in the appropriation of its territory…
Read MoreGlobal Communities and USAID Partner to Combat the Zika Virus in Honduras
Global Communities and USAID Partner to Combat the Zika Virus in Honduras This press release first appeared on Reuters Alertnet. Silver Spring, MD, April 5, 2017 – The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has awarded Global Communities a $4.9 million grant to help communities in Honduras prevent the spread of the Zika virus.…
Read MoreHonduran Farmers Prize Rainwater as Most Precious Harvest
Honduran Farmers Prize Rainwater as Most Precious Harvest Improving prospects for farmers who struggle to produce food through years of drought may also help stem the flow of Honduran migrants By Sophie Hares | This artilce originally appeared on Thomas Reuters Foundation News. Farm workers cultivate watermelons and bananas, irrigated by a water harvesting project…
Read MoreBetter Neighborhoods, Better Lives: Helping Communities Rebuild in Haiti
Better Neighborhoods; Better Lives by Global Communities on Exposure
Read MoreEngaging young People in Governance and Democracy: Honduras Youth Local Councils
Engaging Young People in Governance & Democracy by Global Communities on Exposure
Read MoreMy Home as a Safe Space/Mi Casa Como Espacio Seguro
Booklet: My Home as a Safe Space / Mi Casa Como Espacio Seguro The Knowledge and Risk Reduction Program, funded by USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, helped families to ensure their homes are safe places in the event of a natural disaster, such as floods and mudslides. The program was implemented in Medellin, Colombia.…
Read MoreSowing Development: Farmers provide more than food; they are the cornerstone of rural economies
Sowing Development Farmers provide more than food; they are the cornerstone of rural economies By Liz Adams, Technical Specialist for Agriculture at Global Communities | This article orginally appeared in Medium. No matter where you are, the food on your plate comes from a farmer. This isn’t a particularly shocking revelation, and development assistance to farmers…
Read MoreThe Evidence that Global Development Works: Measuring Impact
The Evidence that Global Development Works: Measuring Impact By David A. Weiss, President and CEO, Global Communities | This article originally appeared on The Huffington Post. At Global Communities, we believe that accountability, transparency and evidence-based design of projects are vital ingredients to effective partnerships. We have to be able to demonstrate to the communities…
Read MoreGlobal Communities Honduras Distributes More Than 42,000 Mosquito Nets to Prevent Malaria
This article first appeared on Proceso Digital Tegucigalpa, Honduras – A total of 42,885 mosquito nets coated with long-lasting insecticide are being distributed the region of La Mosquitia in the department of Gracias a Dios to protect the population from being bitten by malaria-transmitting mosquitoes. The campaign for distribution of the mosquito nets, led by the Secretariat of…
Read MoreIntegrated STI and HIV Services for Targeted and Vulnerable Populations in Honduras
The new Global Fund grant will allocate $15.2 million to STI and HIV prevention programs in key populations and prioritized populations, as well as provide care and services for people living with HIV. The strategies to be implemented are: I. Reach key prioritized populations through prevention programs or delivery of the defined package of services. The…
Read MoreBela União Neighborhood and Community Development
Bela União Neighborhood and Community Development The Bela União neighborhood is the largest neighborhood in Horizontina, Brazil and considered the most “marginalized”. The neighborhood is stigmatized within the wider community and the region as a “difficult” neighborhood with little social cohesion and a strong culture of living off of government handouts. Global Communities is implementing the…
Read MorePreparing Brazilian Youth for Community Leadership
Preparing Brazilian Youth for Community Leadership Global Communities is implementing the Sowing Futures in partnership with the John Deere Foundation to build the capacity of communities and local institutions to prioritize needs and mobilize resources that improve socio-economic conditions, particularly for at-risk youth in Horizontina, Brazil. This video shows how the program works with community members to form…
Read MoreCombating Human Trafficking in Honduras
Combating Human Trafficking in Honduras Much like its neighbors in the “Northern Triangle”, Honduras is beset by a host of challenges: high rates of crime and violence, weak or under-supported government institutions, and a lack of economic opportunity for a vast number of its citizens. Unfortunately, these factors contribute to another issue affecting countless victims…
Read MoreFostering Youth Leadership in Brazil
Fostering Youth Leadership in Brazil Global Communities is implementing the Sowing Futures in partnership with the John Deere Foundation to build the capacity of communities and local institutions to prioritize needs and mobilize resources that improve socio-economic conditions, particularly for at-risk youth in Horizontina, Brazil. To encourage the participation of youth in the community, Global Communities partnered with…
Read MoreColombia at Peace: What the New Peace Agreement Means to Someone Who Spent 20 Years Undoing the Conflict’s Damage
Colombia at Peace: What the New Peace Agreement Means to Someone Who Spent 20 Years Undoing the Conflict’s Damage By Alejandro Tellez A young Colombian who is among the 6 million people who have been displaced by the fighting. I was born in 1964, the same year as FARC, which means that I have never seen a…
Read MoreSocial Entrepreneurship Conference in Moline
Video: Social Entrepreneurship Conference in Moline A new social entrepreneurship series by Western Illinois University took a closer look at the ongoing revitalization efforts in Moline’s Floreciente neighborhood. Global Communities is implementing the Flourishing Communities program, funded by the John Deere Foundation, in Floreciente and engaging residents to reinvigorate the neighborhood and improve the quality of…
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