Sustainable Development

Fulfilling Long-awaited Dreams through the Paraíso Community Residents’ Association

Noeli Jacinta Becker has been a resident of the community of Paraíso neighborhood, in Horizontina / RS, for over 12 years and cannot contain her …

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In Honduras, Communities Fight Drought With Watershed Work

Managing access to water in the so-called Dry Corridor is key to economic and food security in the Central American country. Reporting/photo: Teresa Welsh, Article …

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Entrepreneurship Development Activity in Sri Lanka Wins Global Communities “One Good Idea” Award

In 2015, Global Communities’ launched the One Good Idea Award as an opportunity to create, innovate and promote learning from within and capture the innovation …

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India Boys’ Home Residents Gain New Skills, Perspectives Behind the Lens

In June 1985, the piercing green eyes of an Afghan refugee girl peered out at National Geographic readers in what would become one of the …

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USAID SCORE in Sri Lanka Promotes Beekeeping as an Innovative Way to Mitigate Human-elephant Conflict and Improve Local Livelihoods

Following the community resettlement in 2010, frequent incidents of elephants raiding crops in the Paddikudiyeruppu GN division in Vavuniya North in Sri Lanka have resulted …

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U.S. Partnerships with Women Promote Economic Growth in Northern Ghana

This article was originally published on the US Embassy of Ghana Website Tamale, GHANA— Since 2014, over 96,000 women in northern Ghana saved USD $7.8 …

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Will the celebration continue in Moline neighborhood?

Global Communities CEO David Weiss of Silver Spring, Md. and Steve Beard, Moline Global Communities director, are in front of the office in the Floreciente …

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From a Single Parent with Disabilities to a Role-model and Businesswoman

This is the second part of the four-parts series. Read the beginning here: In many rural communities of Northern Ghana, farmers depend on a …

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Community Leaders Revitalize a Community Park in Jardim Nova América

The residents of Jardim Nova América, in Campinas/SP now have a leisure space for families to enjoy. After months of dedication, during which community leaders …

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USAID SCORE Facilitates Outboard Engine Training for Fishermen in North Sri Lanka

Pias Sandrakumar, a 26-year-old fisherman from the resettled village of Ilawalai North West in Jaffna in the conflict-affected North of Sri Lanka, used to worry …

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Floreciente Gets Community Health Advocate to Help Residents Access Better Health

UnityPoint Health-Trinity community health advocate Carolina Granja laughs during a press conference in Moline. Photo credit: Meg McLaughlin/[email protected]. Source: The Dispatch Argus The Floreciente neighborhood …

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Phones as Farm Hands: Fighting Fall Armyworm with Tech

Mary Alick first saw a picture of the culprit while standing in her field among damaged crops of pigeon peas and maize. Joseph Fayilosi, an …

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Women Helping Women in Business During a #SheMeansBusiness Workshop in Egypt

In Egypt, women entrepreneurs are often overlooked for funding by financial institutions in a male-dominated business world. Ensuring these women have access to financial skills …

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Ghanaian Interior Designer Benefits from Global Communities’ Business Incubator Program

Gloria Anang is a 28-year-old resident of Accra and owner of Gloo Gallery. She graduated from YIEDIE, a Global Communities that creates economic opportunities in …

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Sarah’s Season of Growth: Forging a Path Out of Poverty

As a farmer, Sarah Ben understands there is a season for everything. Even so, she has known more than her fair share of loss—from the …

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CREATE Program in Yemen Empowers Youth to Challenge Themselves

By Asmaa Uqba, Reporting & Communications Officer, Global Communities Yemen During my visits to the Vocational Training institute, I encountered some trainees that caught my …

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Graduates Empowered to Set a New Pace for Women in Guatemala

Just over a year ago, Julia Xec could not read or write. But last week marked the start of a new chapter in her life. …

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Stimulating a Reliable Market for Maize

Stimulating a Reliable Market for Maize By Elizabeth Adams, Technical Specialist, Agriculture & Food Security, Global Communities. Originally published on Medium In Kenya, maize markets are …

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