Rethinking the Role of County Government and Apex Organisations in Grassroots Cooperatives Development: Key Lessons from Social Network Analysis in Kenya
Dorthy Tindi Sitati Collaboration Learning & Adaption (CLA) Officer USAID CLEAR Program The Ushirika Hub was paid for by USAID Cooperative Development Program in partnership with Root Change, Global Communities, NCBA CLUSA & WOCCU Government interference on cooperatives affairs is one of the challenges facing the development of cooperatives across Africa. Cooperatives will only be…
Read MoreDigital Transformation Aids in Empowering Youth
Participating in online interactive sessions builds a momentum for youth of young ages Located in the Northwestern side of Jordan, Belila is a small village in the governorate of Jerash 55 km away on the north of the Capital. With a population of 8.000 inhabitants, most of the available occupations in Belila fall into the…
Read More“Knowledge is the Power” When it Comes to Employment!
Empowering youth with professional skills necessary to secure jobs The spread of fraud and cyber-crimes in Jordan is on the rise. In 2019, the Cyber Crimes Unit recorded over than 6,000 complaints within the country’s Criminal Investigation Department. Poorer regions in Jordan suffer higher instances of cyber-crimes and fraud due to lack of knowledge on the…
Read MoreYouth Innovative Solutions Combat Local Challenges
Recycling clothes to alleviate poverty and unemployment Unlike the West side of Amman the Capital, East Amman is characterized by compact buildings, narrow alleys, and humble neighborhoods in which children roam and play. This part of Amman is also known for its high levels of poverty and unemployment, which reached the rate of 24%, the…
Read MoreResponsible Gold Mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Many communities in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) rely on Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) as a primary livelihood. ASM is a significant driver of DRC’s economy. Approximately 15 percent of the national population directly or indirectly depends on income from ASM [International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, Report on Development of Regional…
Read MoreGlobal Communities Board Chairman Dick Celeste to Co-Chair Ohio COVID-19 Testing Task Force
The article was first published here. By Seth A. Richardson, CLEVELAND, Ohio – Gov. Mike DeWine announced Tuesday that two former Ohio governors would lead a task force to help expand coronavirus testing in Ohio. Former Govs. Dick Celeste (on the photo), a Democrat, and Bob Taft, a Republican, will lead a task force set…
Read MoreCommunities and COVID-19 Recovery Policy Implementation: Learning From The Example of Rainwater Harvesting Systems In Honduras
By José Eguigure The article was originally published at As a current student at the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS), I attended a virtual session called “The Fog of War: Real Time Lessons for Developing Countries in the Fight Against Covid-19” taught by Professor Ricardo Hausmann. Hausmann strongly recommended that we focus our attention on what…
Read MoreTurning Up the Volume on Black Maternal Health in the US
Ahead of Black Maternal Health Week and in recognition of the critical support provided by nurses, midwives and community health workers year-round, PCI’s Healthy Start Director Lisa Bain and licensed midwife Nikki Helms spoke with Drew Schlosberg of The San Diego Union-Tribune. Listen on to learn more about how we are addressing disparities in perinatal…
Read MoreCOVID-19 Response in Iraq
As in other countries, COVID-19 has led to lockdown in major cities in Iraq and is exerting pressure on the healthcare sector all over the country. As medical facilities and municipal services are essential to sustain overall continuity, Vitas Iraq, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Global Communities, is supporting these organizations with a series of humanitarian…
Read MoreWASH Capacity in Humanitarian Emergencies in South Sudan
From 2015 to 2018, the USAID-funded Promoting Resiliency through Ongoing Participatory Engagement and Learning (PROPEL) Program strengthened the social cohesion of 13 targeted communities along with capacity to direct development to improve their lives. PROPEL worked with residents to complete 37 WASH and small infrastructure projects, and improved hygiene behaviors which benefited 48,102 people. To…
Read MoreWASH Capacity in Humanitarian Emergencies in West Bank & Gaza
The Local Government and Infrastructure (LGI) program, (2010–2017) improved the quality of life for Palestinians throughout the West Bank and Gaza for both long-term development and emergency response. Water-related infrastructure under LGI included construction of a ground water tank connected to the main water supply line and water network to ensure continued access for nearly 3,000…
Read MoreHaiti Cholera Response
The 2010/2011 Cholera Prevention Initiative, under the post-earthquake OFDA-funded KATYE, promoted disease prevention in Port au Prince, Gonaives, Cap Hatien, Carrefour and Leogane. Over a critical three-week period, community mobilizers disseminated cholera awareness and prevention messages in high-risk areas. Mobilizers surveyed 24,000 households to collect data on vulnerability to cholera as determined by existing knowledge…
Read MoreEbola Response in Liberia
Global Communities took a comprehensive approach to Ebola programming by coupling infrastructure development, community mobilization and behavior change communications to improve sanitation and hygiene practices. Global Communities’ close relationship with Community Health Workers, Environmental Health Technicians, USAID, and the communities we work with allowed us to quickly respond and refocus USAID-funded WASH activities in March…
Read MoreGhana Cholera Response
Tapped to lead coordination for USAID-funded projects and affiliated NGOs to respond to Ghana’s rapidly expanding cholera outbreak in 2014, Global Communities convened over a dozen international NGOs in less than 48 hours to assess needs and determine response activities. Using our GIS capacity, we worked with the group to map all eight affected regions…
Read MoreWASH Capacity in Humanitarian Emergencies in Syria
Global Communities has been implementing WASH programming in Syria since 2016, with support from OFDA and UNOCHA. Our work focuses on the provision of basic WASH services to a large cluster of formal camps in northwest Syria, reaching 153,000 individuals with water system maintenance, sanitation services, and water trucking. Every day we provide 3.6 million…
Read MoreCOVID-19 Response in Syria
Our efforts around COVID-19 leverage strong collaborative relationships with communities and their leaders where we work to encourage positive, healthy behaviors and support local and national governments to coordinate and roll out locally-led responses. Global Communities is exploring how best to expand our existing humanitarian programming in Syria to respond to COVID-19. Through funding from…
Read MoreCOVID-19 Response in Yemen
Our efforts around COVID-19 leverage strong collaborative relationships with communities and their leaders where we work to encourage positive, healthy behaviors and support local and national governments to coordinate and roll out locally-led responses. Read more about our Global capacity in preventing, mitigating and responding to outbreaks of infectious disease.
Read MoreCOVID-19 Response in Honduras
In Honduras, Global Communities is shifting its work on malaria and TB prevention to support the procurement of medical supplies and equipment to support the COVID-19 response. In Honduras, Global Communities is a Principal Recipient of the Global Fund combined HIV/TB program Moving the HIV and TB Responses toward 90-90-90 and Sustainability with a Focus…
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