Global Communities’ President & CEO Thanks Ebola Response Team for their Important Work

Global Communities’ President & CEO Thanks Ebola Response Team for their Important Work David Weiss’ visit to Liberia prompts reflection on results achieved, work left to do in Global Communities’ Ebola response By Alice Urban, Global Communities Global Communities staff meet with Weiss (second from left), who expressed gratitude to the team and told them…

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Assessing the Use of Mobile Technology and the Direction of Future Strategy for Community-Based Development

Assessing the Use of Mobile Technology and the Direction of Future Strategy for Community-Based Development Kim Baskin, Camila Fierro, Sophie Matte, Melissa Persaud and Molly Slotznick Contribute to Research on Use of Mobile Technology in Global Communities’ Programs                                         …

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Learning and Legacy from the USAID/Higa Ubeho Program

Learning and Legacy from the USAID/Higa Ubeho Program Through five years of implementation, the USAID/Higa Ubeho program assisted over 75,000 vulnerable households in 23 districts. Working in partnership with local authorities and civil society, more than 5,000 new community-based service points were established with the goal of increasing self-reliance – services which benefited both vulnerable…

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“Honor the Dead” at Disco Hill

“Honor the Dead” at Disco Hill Community leaders visit to quell fears, promote safe burials By Alice Urban, Global Communities Government officials from some of Monrovia’s most Ebola-devastated neighborhoods view a freshly dug grave at the Disco Hill safe burial site. Disco Hill, Liberia – There were two important questions on the minds of community…

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Capturing Lessons Learned in Peer to Peer Education in Kenya

Capturing Lessons Learned in Peer to Peer Education in Kenya Sarayu Adeni, Beatriz Albernaz, Meghan Arakelian, Conor Troy and Monica Pasqualino Contribute to Research on Global Communities’ HOPE Program                                     Kenya’s HOPE project (Healthy Outcomes through Prevention Education) is expected…

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Global Communities Celebrates Legacy of USAID Higa Ubeho Program

Global Communities Celebrates Legacy of USAID Higa Ubeho Program KIGALI, RWANDA – Global Communities today, Thursday February 5th 2015, held an end of program Conference at Hôtel des Mille Collines to reflect on the Learning and Legacy of the Social Services for Vulnerable People Program, commonly known as USAID/ Higa Ubeho (Be Determined and Live).…

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Guito: A Neighborhood to be Proud of

Guito: A Neighborhood to be Proud of By Jude Martinez Claircidor, Global Communities Haiti Communications Consultant Guito, a slum in Carrefour Feuilles, a poor residential section of Port-au-Prince, was hit hard by the earthquake in 2010. Until recently, more than 300 families there lived in make-shift shelters that did little to keep the elements out,…

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Global Communities Partners with Birmingham-Southern College to Study Cooperation Among Ugandan Farmers

Global Communities Partners with Birmingham-Southern College to Study Cooperation Among Ugandan Farmers Bert Morrow, Ph.D., Billy McMahon, Patrick Joyce, and Caleb McVicker Contribute to Research on Cooperatives in Uganda Even though cooperatives are numerous in Uganda, little is known about the reasons which motivate people to join them and use their services. The DESIGN (Developing…

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NGO Launches Online Platform to Improve Service Delivery

NGO Launches Online Platform to Improve Service Delivery This story originally appeared on Global Communities, a non-governmental organisation, in partnership with Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly (STMA), has successfully launched an online platform to monitor and track service delivery in the metropolis. The platform, known as “SMARTSOL” is first to be introduced in any of the…

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Preventing Ebola in Liberia’s Secret Bush Schools

Preventing Ebola in Liberia’s Secret Bush Schools By Alice Urban, Global Communities Natural Leaders gather outside the Voinjama city hall prior to the launch of Global Communities’ Special Traditional and Cultural Engagement initiative on Jan. 19. Natural Leaders are community members who helped their villages become open defecation free (ODF) as part of Global Communities’…

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Global Communities Partners with American University to Research the Landscape of Urban Programming

Global Communities Partners with American University to Research the Landscape of Urban Programming   Tschuna Gibson, Suria Lloyd, Nadine Schelling, Nora Winstead, and Hrach Gregorian, Ph.D. Contribute to Research on Urban Issues As urbanization continues to rise globally, international donors, NGOs and the private sector actors are increasingly focusing attention on urban policy and urban…

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Building Safer Houses in Port-au-Prince (VIDEO)

Building Safer Houses in Port-au-Prince After an earthquake hit Haiti in January 2010, nearly 300,000 houses were damaged or destroyed. Global Communities is partnering with Build Change and the American Red Cross to train masons and foremen in Haiti how to build houses that are resistant to earthquakes, hurricanes, or other natural disasters. Through Lavi Miyo…

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USAID Community Engagement Project: Enhancing the Resilience of Communities in Jordan

USAID Community Engagement Project: Enhancing the Resilience of Communities in Jordan The U.S. Agency for International Development Community Engagement Project (USAID CEP) is a three-year, $21-million project implemented by Global Communities in collaboration with Al Jidara and the Jordan River Foundation. USAID CEP builds cohesion and enhances the resilience of communities to address evolving challenges…

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