Yehya and his Ambitious Journey

Yehya and his Ambitious Journey To Yehya, 28, ambition is not just a word or a slogan one repeats meaninglessly. To him, ambition is the future – a combination of persistence and hard work, a privilege he had to fight for. Growing up in Tafileh with physical challenges was not easy. “I used to live…

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Municipality of Ramtha: Working Hand in Hand with Communities

Municipality of Ramtha: Working Hand in Hand with Communities CET Members sign the partnership agreement with the Ramtha Municipality and USAID CEP to improve the cleanliness of Ramtha. The recent influx of Syrian refugees has placed a significant strain on the Municipality of Ramtha and its ability to provide waste management services to the community.…

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“Hand in Hand for a More Beautiful Ramtha”

“Hand in Hand for a More Beautiful Ramtha” The recent influx of Syrian refugees has placed a significant strain on the Municipality of Ramtha and its ability to provide trash collection services to its community members. To reduce tensions created by poor trash collection, the Municipality of Ramtha worked with the Hay Jalama and Dabet…

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Bseira Nursery: Providing a Safe Environment for Children and Job Opportunities for Local Women

Bseira Nursery: Providing a Safe Environment for Children and Job Opportunities for Local Women Working mothers in Bseira, a municipality located in Tafileh Governorate, face different challenges when searching for nurseries with reasonable fees, safe heating methods and qualified teachers and babysitters for their children. Many mothers leave their children in unlicensed home nurseries during…

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Al-Seeleh Healthcare Center: Enhancing Medical Services for Local Communities

Al-Seeleh Healthcare Center: Enhancing Medical Services for Local Communities The basic and medical services of Al Yarmouk Municipality in Irbid have deteriorated due to the demographic changes and continuous influx of refugees. Serving thousands of community members, the healthcare center in Al-Seelah neighborhood, already lacking basic needed services and equipment, have worsen due to the…

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Community-Led Project Results in Safer School for Bseira Students

Community-Led Project Results in Safer School for Bseira Students For more than three decades, Bseira Mixed Primary School has educated thousands of students in the heart of a beautiful mountainous landscape in Bseira,Tafileh, Jordan. But until recently, there was no wall surrounding the school, and as a result, the playground was not safe for outdoor…

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Integrating Shoes into Financial Literacy Programs

Integrating Shoes into Financial Literacy Programs This story originally appeared on For women in Rwanda like Fortune, a widow and mother of four children, it can often be difficult to provide for a family. Without the proper skillsets, many local Rwandans do not know how to save money or begin their own businesses to…

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The Path to a Better Life in Haiti

The Path to a Better Life in Haiti By Jude Martinez Claircidor, Global Communities Haiti Communications Consultant “I am very proud to perform this work and participate in the reconstruction of Haiti.”                                –Jean Lucien Lohier After the 2010 earthquake destroyed many…

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Global Communities Opens New Burial Site for Ebola Victims Near Monrovia

Global Communities Opens New Burial Site for Ebola Victims Near Monrovia  New Burial Site Eliminates the Need for Unpopular Cremations in the Capital City Silver Spring, MD – Global Communities announced today that a burial site has been opened in Margibi County, ensuring that bodies from Monrovia and the surrounding counties are being buried safely and…

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Five Years Later: Haiti’s Progress, Before and After the Earthquake

Five Years Later: Haiti’s Progress, Before and After the Earthquake By David Weiss, President and CEO, Global Communities This story originally appeared in the Huffington Post. As we remember the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti five years ago, it is important that we understand that tragic event in the broader context of that nation’s recent history.…

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Supporting Palestinian Businesses for 20 Years

Supporting Palestinian Businesses for 20 Years For 20 years, Global Communities has specialized in providing financial services for underserved Palestinian businesses, from micro-entrepreneurs to small businesses to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) the engine of economic growth. Learn more about our efforts supporting the Palestinian economy here. 

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Loan Guarantee Facilities: Promoting Business in Emerging Economies

Loan Guarantee Facilities: Promoting Business in Emerging Economies Global Communities is an experienced provider of financial services. Our work in financial inclusion began by pioneering housing microfinance in the 1980s and today provides support in the areas of micro, SME and housing finance. Since 2008, Global Communities has been a leading provider of loan guarantees,…

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Colombia Factsheet

Colombia Factsheet Political and narcotic-driven violence has deeply affected Colombia for 50 years, resulting in an estimated 4.5 million displaced people and many more victims of conflict. Today, the security situation is improving, and Global Communities is partnering the Government of Colombia and Colombian communities to help victims recover from the conflict socially, economically, and in terms of…

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Remembering the Haiti Earthquake

Remembering the Haiti Earthquake Five years on since the devastating Haiti earthquake of January 12, 2010, Global Communities is telling the stories of some of our Haitian friends who are working hard to improve their lives and livelihoods in spite of the challenges that the earthquake created and the day-to-day difficulties they face in Haiti.…

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Haiti: Repairing Homes in Earthquake-affected Neighborhoods (VIDEO)

Haiti: Repairing Homes in Earthquake-affected Neighborhoods (VIDEO) With funding from the Government of Haiti, financed by the World Bank, Global Communities is working in the earthquake-devastated areas to build essential community infrastructure. PREKAD (Reconstruction Project for Disadvantaged Areas) focuses on rebuilding in compact, urban neighborhoods. To date, Global Communities, working closely with the community, has…

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Café Ti Pilon: Supporting Young People from Low-income Families

Café Ti Pilon: Supporting Young People from Low-income Families By Jude Martinez Claircidor, Global Communities Haiti Communications Consultant Remembering the Haiti EarthquakeFive years on since the devastating Haiti earthquake of January 12, 2010, Global Communities is telling the stories of some of our Haitian friends who are working hard to improve their lives and livelihoods…

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Sustainable Agriculture: Post-harvest Center of Grand Savanne

Sustainable Agriculture: Post-harvest Center of Grand Savanne  By Jude Martinez Claircidor, Global Communities Haiti Communications Consultant Remembering the Haiti EarthquakeFive years on since the devastating Haiti earthquake of January 12, 2010, Global Communities is telling the stories of some of our Haitian friends who are working hard to improve their lives and livelihoods in spite…

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