
Youth Lead on Encouraging Healthy Lifestyles

Educating those suffering from obesity to transform their lives According to the latest Global Nutrition Report, 28.2% of women and 43.1% of men in Jordan …

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The Kenyan Cooperative Sector Tackles COVID-19 Head-On

This article was first published at AgriLinks. Kenya saw its first case of COVID-19 on March 13, and the Ministry of Health fears that if …

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Shifting Responsibilities of Household & Family: The Gendered Pandemic in Kenya

by Fredrick Nyagah, Technical Specialist, Gender, Global Communities – CLEAR, funded by USAID, Cooperative Development Program – Kenya, Global Communities “Covid-19: The Gendered Pandemic in …

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Global Communities Board Chairman Dick Celeste to Co-Chair Ohio COVID-19 Testing Task Force

The article was first published here. By Seth A. Richardson, CLEVELAND, Ohio – Gov. Mike DeWine announced Tuesday that two former Ohio governors would lead …

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Communities and COVID-19 Recovery Policy Implementation: Learning From The Example of Rainwater Harvesting Systems In Honduras

By José Eguigure The article was originally published at As a current student at the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS), I attended a virtual session called …

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Turning Up the Volume on Black Maternal Health in the US

Ahead of Black Maternal Health Week and in recognition of the critical support provided by nurses, midwives and community health workers year-round, PCI’s Healthy Start …

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COVID-19 Response in Iraq

As in other countries, COVID-19 has led to lockdown in major cities in Iraq and is exerting pressure on the healthcare sector all over the …

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Haiti Cholera Response

The 2010/2011 Cholera Prevention Initiative, under the post-earthquake OFDA-funded KATYE, promoted disease prevention in Port au Prince, Gonaives, Cap Hatien, Carrefour and Leogane. Over a …

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Ebola Response in Liberia

Global Communities took a comprehensive approach to Ebola programming by coupling infrastructure development, community mobilization and behavior change communications to improve sanitation and hygiene practices. …

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Ghana Cholera Response

Tapped to lead coordination for USAID-funded projects and affiliated NGOs to respond to Ghana’s rapidly expanding cholera outbreak in 2014, Global Communities convened over a …

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WASH Capacity in Humanitarian Emergencies in Syria

Global Communities has been implementing WASH programming in Syria since 2016, with support from OFDA and UNOCHA. Our work focuses on the provision of basic …

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COVID-19 Response in Syria

Our efforts around COVID-19 leverage strong collaborative relationships with communities and their leaders where we work to encourage positive, healthy behaviors and support local and …

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COVID-19 Response in Yemen

Our efforts around COVID-19 leverage strong collaborative relationships with communities and their leaders where we work to encourage positive, healthy behaviors and support local and …

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COVID-19 Response in Honduras

In Honduras, Global Communities is shifting its work on malaria and TB prevention to support the procurement of medical supplies and equipment to support the …

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COVID-19 Response in Sri Lanka

The Global Communities team in Sri Lanka is collaborating with government health authorities to protect communities from COVID-19. Activities have included addressing the urgent needs …

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WASH Capacity in Humanitarian Emergencies in Liberia

Global Communities, as a partner to IRC, implemented the $6.5 million USAID-funded program Partnership for Advancing Community-based Services (PACS) program from 2015-2019 with the goal …

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COVID-19 Response in Rwanda

The Global Communities Rwanda team is working with USAID to provide technical response to this pandemic through messaging and provision of handwashing facilities to communities …

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Vitas Iraq: Together Against Corona

Babylon Province Wednesday, 18-3-2020 The corona crisis hit Iraq hard, imposing lockdown in major cities and exerting pressure on the healthcare sector all over the …

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