
COVID-19 Update from PCI

In a matter of days, the world around us fundamentally shifted. As the situation evolves rapidly and we all work to adapt, I sincerely hope …

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A Message on COVID-19 from Global Communities President & CEO David A. Weiss

During this time of upheaval and uncertainty, Global Communities is using its past experience and technical expertise in the effort to address the COVID-19 crisis. …

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COVID-19 Update from Project Concern International

As an organization committed to public health, Project Concern International (PCI) recognizes we have a responsibility to lead and to do our part to combat …

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Moving Forward: One year after Cyclone Idai in Malawi

A year ago this month, Sera Mosque was one of thousands of structures facing a risky road to recovery following the destruction of Cyclone Idai …

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Gaining Ground on Cervical Cancer in Zambia

Timing is everything. Just ask Janny Zulu. The 52-year-old single mother of two recently found out she had a precancerous lesion on her cervix, putting …

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Neglected No More: Uniting to Beat Devastating Diseases in India

One of the biggest challenges to beating neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) lies right in their name. Failing to communicate what they are, who they affect …

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Youth Form Alliances to Address Growing Mental Health Problems in Community

Youth from the Jardim Oliveira Camargo community in Indaiatuba / SP have recently designed a new project that aims to support residents who are suffering …

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On Air with DREAMS Botswana

“Welcome to The Catch, a radio program for adolescent girls and young women,” enthuses host Botlhale Sebataladi, who also serves as a program officer at …

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Standing Up for Human Rights Today and Every Day

This holiday season, Project Concern International (PCI) asked the families we work with all over the world one question: What is your greatest wish for …

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Global Communities Celebrates World Toilet Day 2019

By Eddy Perez, Global Communities Technical Director for WASH Hundreds of millions of people globally do not have access to sustainable safe drinking water and …

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Delivering Positive Birth Experiences to Black Women in San Diego

Darynée Blount had every intention of becoming a lawyer. But after traumatic birth experiences with her first two children, she decided to pursue justice in a …

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PCI Continues Post-Cyclone Support in Malawi

When Cyclone Idai first made landfall in March 2019, Malawi had already experienced intense flooding in 15 districts, with the Government of Malawi citing Machinga …

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Global Communities Ghana Celebrates Global Handwashing Day 2019

Earlier today, two of the USAID WASH for Health project’s Behaviour Change Communication experts (Edward Thompson and Martha Tia-Adjei) were engaged on TV3 and 3Fm’s …

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Global Communities Celebrates International Day of the Girl 2019

By Sarah Goddard #DayoftheGirl #GenerationEquality #unstoppable Twenty-five years ago, the World Conference on Women in Beijing marked a significant turning point for global gender equality …

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Global Communities at UNC Water & Health Conference

The 2019 Water and Health Conference: Where Science Meets Policy, organized by the Water Institute at UNC explores drinking water supply, sanitation, hygiene and water …

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Honduran Community Leaders Limit Spread of Zika

By Harry Sanderson This article was originally published on the US Global Leadership Coalition website Over his 23-year career, Angel David Rodriguez has gradually incorporated …

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Can Equity be Built in Traditional Families?

Nimgbor Wuninyun (center) and his wives Adjoa (left) and N-Munankpor (right), of Tikarni Community in Kpandai District, each understand and appreciate the benefits of participating …

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Zambian Mother-Turned-Activist Joins Fight Against Cervical Cancer

Globally, one woman dies of cervical cancer every two minutes. In Zambia, Project Concern International (PCI) is working to put an end to these tragic …

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