Humanitarian Assistance

Art Therapy for Ukrainian Children Helps Reduce Stress Under Everyday Shelling

By Tania Dudnyk Since the end of June, children from three villages in the Chernihiv region have been attending special art therapy classes designed to …

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Improving Urban Resilience through Insurance Innovations in Colombia

By Lizzie Hickman On July 4, 2023, the Earth saw its hottest day since at least 1979, highlighting the increasing impact of climate change and …

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Direct Cash Assistance Gives War-Torn Ukrainians Freedom to Cover Most Pressing Winter Needs

The winter of 2022-2023 was expected to be highly challenging for Ukrainians. Continued Russian attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure caused disruptions of electricity and heating …

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Pass the Mic: Using Data to Improve and Adapt Emergency Food Assistance Programs 

By Paula Rudnicka, Sr. Manager for Public Affairs at Global Communities Using reliable, quality data in humanitarian settings is critical to ensuring that life-saving interventions …

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Working to Build Economic Resilience in Guatemala’s Crises-Stricken Highlands

By Gesler Castillo Guatemala’s Western Highlands continue to suffer long-term impacts from widespread destruction caused by Hurricanes Eta and Iota, including the loss of livelihoods …

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Improving Access to Safe Drinking Water in Honduras

By José Alberto Vasquez Padilla Despite possessing a large amount of water resources, many communities in Honduras suffer from a shortage of safe drinking water, …

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Reviving Ukrainian Communities through Shelter Repairs in Hard-Hit Regions

Since the start of Russia’s invasion on February 24, 2022, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have been deprived of their homes and had their livelihoods …

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Hygiene Promotion Team Protects Families from Diseases in Northwest Syria

By Adile Sahin Ali, 37, lives with six family members in Atmeh, which hosts more than 157,400 internally displaced people in northwest Syria. The camp …

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Global Communities Ramps up WASH Services in Response to Cholera Outbreak in Syria

Atmeh, Syria – Global Communities is responding to a major cholera outbreak that has been spreading across Syria, ramping up water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) …

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Challenging Malnutrition When Widespread Hunger Prevails in Yemen

One-year-old Mohammed and his family live in the Qa’atabah district of Yemen, near constant conflict that has killed and injured civilians and impeded access to …

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Disaster Planning Pays Off in Northwest Syria

By Adile Sahin Originally from Hama, Asem has been displaced several times, like most Syrians, to escape the war at home. First forced to flee …

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Rebuilding a Sense of Home and Hope in Honduras

Over the course of 14 months, the HEWS program aimed to address both the immediate needs and early recovery of 100,050 people by organizing access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene, safe living conditions through improved shelter and settlements, and multi-purpose cash assistance.

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Responding to Humanitarian Needs in Ukraine

Since the war began in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, an estimated 5 million refugees have fled to neighboring countries, while over 7 million people …

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Finding a Safe Space in Syria: Hamida’s Story

For more than half of her life, Hamida has been exposed to the trauma, violence and instability of war. The 20-year-old, whose name has been …

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Al-Mahfad Water Supply Enhancement Project

Solar-Powered Pumping System Brings Clean Water to Community in Yemen

Yemen’s ongoing conflict had pushed the community of Al-Mahfad to undertake extreme measures to deal with water shortage. Residents were given access to water only …

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Global Communities’ Response to Ukraine Crisis

For decades, Global Communities has responded to complex humanitarian emergencies. Our approach prioritizes partnering with affected communities to identify and address urgent needs with a …

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HEWS distribution point in El Copantillo

Supporting Community Recovery in El Copantillo

The drive to the remote community of El Copantillo looks much different than it did almost a year ago. Roads once cleared by the municipality …

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Samira feeds her livestock with fodder provided by the INSPIRE program.

Supporting Displaced Livestock Breeders in Northwest Syria

Due to ongoing conflict and drought, the livestock assets of Syrians are eroding, further increasing the risk of food insecurity for people like Samira. The …

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