Haiti Cholera Response
The 2010/2011 Cholera Prevention Initiative, under the post-earthquake OFDA-funded KATYE, promoted disease prevention in Port au Prince, Gonaives, Cap Hatien, Carrefour and Leogane. Over a critical three-week period, community mobilizers disseminated cholera awareness and prevention messages in high-risk areas. Mobilizers surveyed 24,000 households to collect data on vulnerability to cholera as determined by existing knowledge…
Read MoreFulfilling Long-awaited Dreams through the Paraíso Community Residents’ Association
Noeli Jacinta Becker has been a resident of the community of Paraíso neighborhood, in Horizontina / RS, for over 12 years and cannot contain her excitement in recounting the most recent triumph of the community’s residents—the long-awaited legalization of their land with City Hall. “It is the greatest of all our recent achievements,” says the…
Read MoreUnited for a Dream: Community Members Build a Much-needed Sports Field at High School in Granadero Baigorria
Ricardo Donoso is the deputy director of the No. 422 High School in Granadero Baigorria. For more than 10 years, he has been working side-by-side with the school’s principal, Rossana Inveninato, and where, in reality, the school has become a second home through which a large number of kids pass through to receive their training…
Read MoreYouth Form Alliances to Address Growing Mental Health Problems in Community
Youth from the Jardim Oliveira Camargo community in Indaiatuba / SP have recently designed a new project that aims to support residents who are suffering from depression and other mental and emotional illnesses. Priscila Santos and her longtime friends, Edson Guedes and Taylane Souza, were practically raised together in Jardim Oliveira Camargo. Over the years,…
Read MoreBuilding back stronger in Haiti, neighborhood by neighborhood
In January 2010, Haiti was changed forever by a devastating earthquake. Within moments, entire neighborhoods crumbled, upending families and communities in the blink of an eye. With the support of the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), PCI worked with partners to pull from the wreckage an entirely new approach to humanitarian assistance –…
Read MoreRooting Out Human Trafficking in San Diego, One Student at a Time
By Maureen Simpson Bernadete Leal begins every Project ROOTS session in a darkened classroom with one question: “Where do you want to bring light?” While the exercise is a small component of the after-school program, Leal said its power lies in teaching students they can be a force for positive or negative change in the…
Read MoreStanding Up for Human Rights Today and Every Day
This holiday season, Project Concern International (PCI) asked the families we work with all over the world one question: What is your greatest wish for the children in your community? From clean water and education to better health and safety, their answers made one thing abundantly clear—the fundamental rights of one child should not be…
Read MoreIn Honduras, Communities Fight Drought With Watershed Work
Managing access to water in the so-called Dry Corridor is key to economic and food security in the Central American country. Reporting/photo: Teresa Welsh, Article production: Naomi Mihara This article was originally published on the Devex website. San Antonio del Norte, HONDURAS — The pavement winds south through the Honduran countryside as pine forests shift…
Read MoreWill the celebration continue in Moline neighborhood?
Global Communities CEO David Weiss of Silver Spring, Md. and Steve Beard, Moline Global Communities director, are in front of the office in the Floreciente neighborhood in Moline. Photo: John Schultz, [email protected] By Jim Menan This article was originally published in the Muscatine Journal. MOLINE — There was much to celebrate for Flourishing Communities. But the…
Read MoreHonduran Community Leaders Limit Spread of Zika
By Harry Sanderson This article was originally published on the US Global Leadership Coalition website Over his 23-year career, Angel David Rodriguez has gradually incorporated health topics into his classroom curriculum at the suggestion of the Honduran Ministry of Health. As a math and science teacher, Rodriguez never imagined he’d be working hands-on as a…
Read MoreWhen Shared Knowledge Inspires People and Develops Communities
Community leaders formed through the Sowing Futures PACE program share experiences and help students from the new class of leaders grow As she tells her story, Adriana Ferreira’s pensive eyes show the culmination of a dream that she might not have even imagined possible: being a source of inspiration in other people’s lives. Adriana, a…
Read MoreCommunity Leaders Revitalize a Community Park in Jardim Nova América
The residents of Jardim Nova América, in Campinas/SP now have a leisure space for families to enjoy. After months of dedication, during which community leaders from the neighborhood association were committed to carrying out the park revitalization project, the space will be handed over to the community. The project, supported by the Sowing Futures Community…
Read MoreFloreciente Gets Community Health Advocate to Help Residents Access Better Health
UnityPoint Health-Trinity community health advocate Carolina Granja laughs during a press conference in Moline. Photo credit: Meg McLaughlin/[email protected]. Source: The Dispatch Argus The Floreciente neighborhood now has its own community health advocate, through a fund partially granted by Global Communities, which will help advance health while also offering better access to care for Floreciente residents.…
Read MoreGlobal Communities, Other NGOs Discuss Solutions to Mass Migration
Senior Director of Resilient Communities, Randy Lyness spoke at the 2019 InterAction Annual Forum where he represented Global Communities on a panel, Collaborative Lessons Learned from Colombia Displacement Response Applicable to a Venezuela Response. Multiple organizations, including Global Communities, Blumont and Mercy Corps, have decades of experience responding to the internal displacement in Colombia, which has resulted…
Read MoreCommunity Volunteers Lead the Way to Zika Prevention in Honduras
Zika, the mosquito-borne virus that can cause birth defects was rampant in Honduras three years ago, with about 36,000 cases, and a fear that the number could only rise. This year as Global Communities’ USAID-funded Nuestra Salud (Our Health) program ends there are only about 600 cases. The success is greatly due to the training…
Read MoreGlobal Communities to Present on Colombia Displacement at InterAction Forum
Come listen to Director of Program Operations Randy Lyness speak at the 2019 InterAction Annual Forum where he will represent Global Communities on a panel, Collaborative Lessons Learned from Colombia Displacement Response Applicable to a Venezuela Response. Multiple organizations have decades of experience responding to the internal displacement in Colombia, working toward collective impacts in…
Read MoreGlobal Communities’ José Equigure Receives Honduras 20/20 Scholarship
Last month, Honduras President Juan Orlando Hernández participated in the delivery of Honduras 20/20 scholarships to 139 young people, which will assist them in pursuing masters, doctorate and medical degrees at diverse and recognized universities abroad. The aim of this Presidential Scholarship Program is to support Honduran scholars in learning leadership competencies and skills, which…
Read MoreSowing Futures in Brazil: Joining Forces, Realizing Dreams
Students Step Up to Make a Difference When Wesley Carneiro da Silva entered the public school of Benedicta de Salles Pimentel Wutke, located in the neighborhood of Jardim Nova América, in Campinas/SP, he never thought he would end up contributing so much to its development. “I started attending the school very young. At the time,…
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