Disabling Myths with Abled Minds

USAID SCORE supports persons with disabilities start livelihoods By Kathya de Silva Senarath Thirty-three-year-old Isuru Piyumal, from the rural village of Nugeyaya in Sri Lanka’s most marginalized Moneragala district, had been a dependent all his life. His parents realized when he was just three months old that he had an intellectual disability, and they did…

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USAID SCORE Seizes Opportunity for Reconciliation through Channel Repair in Aathiyammankerni

By Kathya de Silva Senarath Tamil and Sinhala villages of Aathiyammankerni and Samagipura in the Trincomalee district have been directly affected by the country’s 30-year conflict that continues to inflame tensions between the two communities. Tensions were aggravated further in 2006 when the LTTE blocked the Mavil Aru sluicegates that brought water to thousands in…

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Schools Use USAID SCORE-donated COVID-19 Protective Equipment to Ensure Safety to Children Facing Crucial Government Examinations

Sri Lanka is gripped by another wave of the COVID-19 pandemic as children prepared to face crucial government examinations of Grade 5 Scholarship and the Advanced Level on October 11 and 12 respectively. The former enables children, especially those in rural areas, the opportunity to attend better schools with more facilities while the latter selects…

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USAID SCORE-Donated Equipment Helps Keep School Dengue-Free

By Kathya de Silva Senarath, Reporting Officer, USAID SCORE/Global Communities A public school in Gintota in the South of Sri Lanka is one of the schools that benefitted from USAID Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Activity (SCORE)’s COVID-19 island-wide response in mid-August. The school authorities struggled to clean and disinfect their premises due to lack of…

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In Sri Lanka, Youth Social Media Group Combats Hate Speech and Misinformation

The USAID-funded Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Activity (SCORE) provided training to 28 youth leaders from diverse ethnic backgrounds in the Monaragala District to counter the spread of fake news and hate speech online that became rampant following the Easter Sunday bombings, the group learned how to educate people on deciphering legitimate from fake news, in…

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Youth-led Advocacy Initiatives Creating Communal Harmony and Positive Changes

There are various instances in Sri Lanka’s history when tensions between ethnicities have resulted in turbulence and bloodshed. Over the years, instances such as the insurgencies, three decades of armed conflict and the Easter attacks last year increased distrust and disharmony among ethnicities. Politicians take advantage of ethnic divisions for their political objectives which causes…

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Making Schools Safer for Children to Return During COVID-19 in Sri Lanka

By Kathya de Silva Senarath, Reporting Officer, USAID SCORE Program in Sri Lanka As thousands of children returned to school in August following five months of closure, an initiative supported by the United States has helped disinfect schools and ensure a healthy learning environment for Sri Lankan students. In cooperation with regional health and education directors, medical officers,…

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Youth Creatively Engage While at Home

Read original article on USAID website All across Kosovo youth are finding creative ways to keep social distancing guidelines to only physical distancing.  They are maintaining connections to their peers and providing virtual support to each other to prevent feelings of isolation.  To capture and share these creative ideas, USAID’s Up to Youth activity encouraged…

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Same Heroes, New Culprit: Pivoting from Polio to COVID-19

In India, the same unsung heroes who helped stop the spread of polio are working tirelessly to defeat COVID-19. Drawing on decades of experience in community engagement and communication on polio prevention and routine immunizations, PCI/India’s CORE Group Polio Project (CGPP) recently pivoted to raising awareness about the coronavirus. Staff are proactively reaching communities where…

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COVID-19 Response in Sri Lanka

The Global Communities team in Sri Lanka is collaborating with government health authorities to protect communities from COVID-19. Activities have included addressing the urgent needs of hospitals, schools, health facilities and health workers for personal protective equipment disinfectant equipment, setting up isolation units and other items, and social messaging to raise awareness in targeted populations…

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Cyber Guardians Champion Reconciliation through Social Media

The recent ‘Cyber Guardians Forum – The Role of Social Media in Transforming Sri Lanka,’ organized by Search for Common Ground (SfCG)  with  USAID SCORE/Global Communities support, revealed several milestone achievements of the SfCG’s Cyber Guardians project under the SCORE program. More than 100 youths were trained in social media at three boot camps, resulting…

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Neglected No More: Uniting to Beat Devastating Diseases in India

One of the biggest challenges to beating neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) lies right in their name. Failing to communicate what they are, who they affect and how they can be prevented or treated keeps more than 1.5 billion people—in the poorest and most marginalized communities—at risk of becoming blind, disabled or disfigured. NTDs can also…

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USAID SCORE Empowers Monaragala Youth to Become Reconciliation Champions on Social Media Platforms

USAID SCORE recently facilitated a group networking session and a workshop for 26 youth from Moneragala selected with the support of the National Youth Services Council based on their interest and capacity and has remained engaged with SCORE in promoting social cohesion and reconciliation on social media. The workshop was a follow-up to previous trainings…

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