On Air with DREAMS Botswana

“Welcome to The Catch, a radio program for adolescent girls and young women,” enthuses host Botlhale Sebataladi, who also serves as a program officer at PCI Botswana. Her energy is contagious as she introduces her guests, including several young mentors and girls involved with DREAMS, a global initiative of the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for…

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A Run to Remember in Tanzania

PCI joins 2019 Serengeti Safari Marathon to promote school meals program Some people run for medals. Others run for sport. On Nov. 16, staff from PCI Tanzania ran the Serengeti Safari Marathon to raise awareness about taking hunger out of the classroom and feeding children’s dreams instead. A total of 44 staff members participated in…

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Make Giving Back Go Viral

None of us are strangers to the powerful role technology plays in our lives – or the ways in which it can distract and divide us. But this holiday season, we want to highlight how you can harness the bright lights from your phone and computer screens for good. Check out four easy ways to…

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Standing Up for Human Rights Today and Every Day

This holiday season, Project Concern International (PCI) asked the families we work with all over the world one question: What is your greatest wish for the children in your community? From clean water and education to better health and safety, their answers made one thing abundantly clear—the fundamental rights of one child should not be…

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In Honduras, Communities Fight Drought With Watershed Work

Managing access to water in the so-called Dry Corridor is key to economic and food security in the Central American country. Reporting/photo: Teresa Welsh, Article production: Naomi Mihara This article was originally published on the Devex website. San Antonio del Norte, HONDURAS — The pavement winds south through the Honduran countryside as pine forests shift…

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Global Communities Celebrates World Toilet Day 2019

By Eddy Perez, Global Communities Technical Director for WASH Hundreds of millions of people globally do not have access to sustainable safe drinking water and sanitation services. According to the WHO/UNICEF Global Joint Monitoring Program (JMP 2019), as of 2017, about 30 percent of the world’s population was without safely managed drinking water, and about…

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Delivering Positive Birth Experiences to Black Women in San Diego

Darynée Blount had every intention of becoming a lawyer. But after traumatic birth experiences with her first two children, she decided to pursue justice in a different setting – America’s health care system. “The care I was getting and the treatment in the hospital, how that all played out, was abysmal for me,” says Blount, who describes…

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PCI Continues Post-Cyclone Support in Malawi

When Cyclone Idai first made landfall in March 2019, Malawi had already experienced intense flooding in 15 districts, with the Government of Malawi citing Machinga and Zomba among the most affected. Nearly 87,000 people were displaced, finding refuge in temporary camps at schools and churches without sufficient access to shelter or water, sanitation and hygiene…

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USAID SCORE Empowers Monaragala Youth to Become Reconciliation Champions on Social Media Platforms

USAID SCORE recently facilitated a group networking session and a workshop for 26 youth from Moneragala selected with the support of the National Youth Services Council based on their interest and capacity and has remained engaged with SCORE in promoting social cohesion and reconciliation on social media. The workshop was a follow-up to previous trainings…

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Global Communities Ghana Celebrates Global Handwashing Day 2019

Earlier today, two of the USAID WASH for Health project’s Behaviour Change Communication experts (Edward Thompson and Martha Tia-Adjei) were engaged on TV3 and 3Fm’s morning shows (both under Media General, a leading Ghanaian private media house) to educate Ghanaians on the importance of handwashing, as today marks the Global Handwashing Day. Global Communities, in…

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Global Communities Celebrates International Day of the Girl 2019

By Sarah Goddard #DayoftheGirl #GenerationEquality #unstoppable Twenty-five years ago, the World Conference on Women in Beijing marked a significant turning point for global gender equality with the recognition of the rights of women and girls as human rights. Today, there are movements to stop child marriage and gender-based violence, promote girls’ education, and end stigma…

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Global Communities at UNC Water & Health Conference

The 2019 Water and Health Conference: Where Science Meets Policy, organized by the Water Institute at UNC explores drinking water supply, sanitation, hygiene and water resources in both the developing and developed worlds with a strong public health emphasis. The conference will take place in Chapel Hill, North Carolina on October 7-11, 2019. Click here…

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USAID SCORE in Sri Lanka Promotes Beekeeping as an Innovative Way to Mitigate Human-elephant Conflict and Improve Local Livelihoods

Following the community resettlement in 2010, frequent incidents of elephants raiding crops in the Paddikudiyeruppu GN division in Vavuniya North in Sri Lanka have resulted in a number of human casualties as well as severe economic consequences due to crop losses. To mitigate the consequences arising from the human-elephant conflict, the Paddikudiyeruppu community suggested engaging…

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