Our global reach spans five continents, over 30 countries and thousands of communities.

In Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas, we bring 70 years of global insights to our partnerships with communities, governments, civil society and the private sector as we work together to save lives, advance equity and secure strong futures.


With more than three decades of experience in Africa, we work across 12 countries to support communities as they shape their own future, build their capacity to recover from conflict, crisis and disaster, and ensure inclusive access to financial solutions, particularly for women, young people and other marginalized groups.

100 million+

nutritious meals served to primary school students in Tanzania through our McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition projects

Europe & Asia

For over twenty years in a diverse and rapidly changing region, Global Communities has partnered with local and national governments, civil society, business owners and young people as they build strong institutions, create new opportunities, advance gender equity and dramatically improve health outcomes.


Youth Local Councils established in Ukraine

Middle East

Global Communities works at the intersection of humanitarian assistance, sustainable development and financial inclusion, and has leveraged decades of learnings across the Middle East to respond to urgent needs caused by conflict and crises, as well as to build long-term stability by strengthening financial systems and supporting entrepreneurs as they grow the economy and create jobs.


small-scale Syrian farmers supported with urgently needed agricultural supplies to recommence their economic livelihoods

The Americas

For 70 years, Global Communities has partnered directly with local leaders, governments, schools, businesses and civil society organizations to bring about sustainable, impactful changes that improve the lives and livelihoods of people in eight countries across the Americas.


families benefiting from better water infrastructure in Honduras